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Tom: cracking his knuckles

Tom was sitting on the couch, reading some fantasy book. It might be surprising to some fans that Tom actually liked reading. The heater was turned comfortable on, wrapping the both of us in a safe bubble in the midst of cold Kingston. I went to get yogurt for myself (Adle: Terry loves yogurt), since I was getting hungry but had limited myself to a healthier diet. When I came back, I saw Tom up from his previous spot on the couch, trying to move the sofa away from its corner.


"Huh? Oh! I dropped my pen inside, accidentally." He flashed a guilty smile my way, "Watch me lift this sofa away without even trying!" He attempted to show his flexed muscles, but I just scoffed and looked away.

Then I heard him crack start cracking his knuckles. Pop, pop, they went, making me feel like curling up on the floor and slap Tom at the same time. I clenched my fists at my sides.

Pop, pop, pop, he finished one hand and began on the other.

"Tom! Stop that now! You know I hate that!" I crossed my arms and fell onto the sofa.

"Okay, okay! I'll just move the sofa with you on top of it without trying!" He then proceeded to lift up the sofa with me on it and moved it aside.


Harry: Keeps on stirring his coffee

I woke up in the morning feeling cold, even in my pajamas. I looked to my right to find that the other side of the bed was empty! 

"Ha-Har-Harry!" I shouted, only to find my voice so croaky nothing could come out. 

"Yeah? I'm making eggs and coffee!" shouted Harry from the kitchen. I groaned, and after five minutes of trying to get up, I finally walked out of our room and brushed my teeth. Then, I sat on the couch, crossing my legs, ready for Harry to serve breakfast. 

"Wow, I never knew you cooked!"

"Well, there are a lot of things you don't know about me," he winked, and I cringed. 

"Sure thing? Like what?" I smiled cheekily. 

"Some things are to be left later," he said, clinking his spoon against the edge of the cup.

I slumped on the table, then sat up quickly and moved the spoon away from Harry. 


Sam: Biting his pens/fingers

"So, what do I write?" I tapped my pen nervously, "It's due tomorrow!"

"Chill, I can give you some ideas."

"Really? Cool! Don't you dare snoop around my search history, and finish that essay, 'Kay?" I slung my bad over my shoulders, "I'm out to coffee with my parents."

He scrunched his brows and mumbled, "Okay, fine, whatever."

When I came back an hour later, I found him desperately chewing his fingers, curled up on the sofa, his hair all messed up. 

"Bro, you good?"



Also, the editor (me) sometimes gives Cathy ideas because i'm bored. Listen to BTS, please. 

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