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"Someone wants to see you" I hear my mother's voice. I get up and walk to the door; I see Fidus and Fragor. It must be Thursday; because visits to other districts are only allowed on Thursday and Friday.

"what's up my friend, how are you doing? Depressed as always?" Fragor laughs.

"That’s funny" I smile "don’t worry about me I am okay, how about you guys?"

"We have school every day, so yeah we are good" Fragor laughs.

"Making Jokes about school while getting the highest marks in every test!!" Fidus smiles, he is right; Fragor gets the highest marks between us. I always hated the education system in our city…it's useless I mean. But Fragor never complained about the system, he believed that we shouldn't complain we should try our best to get with it. I will get with it when it's worth getting. Now I am just complaining about how foolish our education is.

"Where are we going to go now?" I ask.

"Let's go to my district, you have never been out of your district I think it's time for you to see what's outside your district's fence" says Fidus.

They want to go outside my district, I have never been outside my district before, I don’t know … I am so afraid to go, I feel my heart beating so hard from the thought. "Let's just stay here… there is nothing to do in partis 3 as well as there is nothing to do here, so lets sit down anywhere and just talk".

"Our district is boring Aliter, let's go with Fidus don't worry nothing is going to happen" Fragor begs, he is desperate to go outside our district, he doesn't know that I am desperate to leave to, not only our district…but our entire city.

"Okay let's go" I say but my voice is shaking, I don't know why am I so afraid to go! I hope that this day ends right now, but it's too late we are already taking the truck heading to fidus's district. The trucks work every Thursday and Friday transporting friends and relatives from other districts to our district or from ours to the others.

The distance is so small; we arrived to partis 3 after 10 minutes. I can't believe that I am outside our district's fence, emotions are conflicting in my heart, I am terrified … but I am excited.

Nyctophilia part.I. (The change)-(editing)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu