Chapter 35

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Scott and Kira ran over, kneeling in front of Emma. Scott looked over Emma's body as her clothes were tattered and burnt. Emma's skin was red and blistering, a sick feeling coming over Scott at the smell of burnt flesh. "Emma?" Scott asked, looking to Kira who sat, numb and confused. So much had happened in the last few minutes that she couldn't even think straight. 

"Guys?" Stiles' voice called, echoing through the empty wear house. Scott heard his and two other sets of foot steps approaching them. "Guys, what are you doing?" Stiles asked as he got closer, Scott squeezing his eyes shut as he prepared for what would come next. "Why isn't anyone answering-" Stiles began to whine, before he was standing right behind Scott. He froze mid sentence, a sick feeling coming over him. 

"Oh my god!" Lydia breathed, covering her mouth in horror. Scott heard everyone's heart rates pick up, and a smell of terror fill the air. Stiles pushed past Scott and Kira so he was kneeling in front of Emma. Stiles could barely breathe, each gasp heavy and in short bursts. 

Stiles' hands hovered over her, not sure what to do. She was so badly burnt, he thought touching her would kill her if she wasn't dead already. "Emma" Stiles whispered, feeling a lump rise in his throat. 

Derek placed a hand on his shoulder, Stiles looking up in panic. "She's alive. I can hear her heart beating" Derek said, Scott closing his eyes as he listened too. A breath of relief escaping him as he too heard the steady thumping. 

"Okay, but we need to do something. She needs help" Stiles said, swallowing the tears that had begun to rise; Emma was alive. 

Derek moved Stiles out of the way before lifting Emma into his arms, wincing at the smell of burnt skin.  "What are you doing?" Stiles asked, standing up as he followed Derek who walked at a very quick pace.

"We can't take her to the hospital, Stiles. She's a werewolf. She'll heal too quickly" Derek explained, Stiles running his hand over his face as he kept up, walking on Derek's heels. 

Scott, Kira and Lydia followed close behind them, confusion driving them. "So where are we going?" Stiles asked, watching as Derek laid Emma in the back of the Jeep. 

"The only werewolf doctor in Beacon Hills, Stiles. We're going to Deaton's" Derek said before getting into the jeep. "Lydia" Derek said, throwing her his keys, "take my car and drive Kira and Scott to the clinic. Stiles and I will meet you there" he ordered, doing his job as the alpha. Lydia gave him a solemn nod before getting into the car, driving off into the night.

Derek and Stiles drove in silence, Stiles picking up a key that sat in the cup holder, unable to remember where it came from, or what it was for. He spun the key in his hand, trying to remember its purpose but nothing came to mind. He noted it, shoving it in his pocket. "Derek?" Stiles asked, a sigh escaping the older man as his eyes remained trained on the road.

"Yes Stiles?" Derek asked in a snappy tone. He didn't mean to be rude, it just kind of happened when ever he was worried or stressed. 

"When I ran in, ahead of you guys, you know when the power went out?" Stiles asked, fiddling with his hands. Derek's knuckles became white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter.  

"Yes I remember" Derek answered in a tight voice. Stiles let out a shaky breath, turning back to look at Emma, who lay still and burnt in the back seat. Stiles let out a shaky breath before turning back towards the front of the car.

"Something weird happened. It was like, I was dragged into the explosion or something. After that second, I can't remember anything. All I remember is seeing you guys again and running towards Scott and Kira" Stiles admitted, Derek's eyebrows furrowing together. 

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