"I remembered, when the boy was 2, it was around Halloween at the time. Oli has been obsessed over the movie Shrek, and he wanted his dad to be the damn ogre itself. But of course the man refused cause he had to paint his skin green."

"So, being the best uncle that I am. I bought a bucket of green dye and dumped it on the poor guy while he was in the shower. He was freaking green for a whole month."


Her laughter echoed the room as she rolled around, clutching her stomach.

I immediately started laughing along with her. Her eyes glowed the same glow I recognize so well.
The late nights of comedy shows started to appear in my head. The way we died laughing all night and end up falling asleep in each other's arms.

"Lisa." I said between chuckles before gathering myself again.

"I miss you. And I'm sorry. For all the pain that I have cost. I'm truly sorry. I'll make it up to you I prom-"


My eye brows raised in confusion.

"I won't forgive you. Because I never hated you for what you did to me. I did once. But that hatred disappeared when the effect came along from the cause. The cause of you leaving me and not contacting me when you knew you could."

"I got married, Jungkook-ah."

I hung my head as I listened to her words. My heart's pace started to increase as everything sinks in.

"I got married. I had a good few years of living as a wife to a wonderful husband. I have 2 beautiful children. Roman, my oldest. He's 3. And Aris. She is 1. They are my heart and soul those two. I love them with all my heart. You should know the feeling. You have a little one of your own."

"But then Mark has to go and cheat on me."


"Mark....He was your husband? He cheated on you?"

"While I was pregnant with Aris, and Roman was only 1. I swear I cried harder than when you left."

My fist balled in anger. How the hell could he do something to her like that? I swear I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch.

"Calm down. It's over. I have moved on." She said.

I lifted my head and faces her. Her face was emotional less. I never saw her like that before. I didn't blame her though, due to everything she went through.

"After we got divorced, I stayed at my parents' for a while and then moved here. With Rosé and Jimin. I'm trying to get a place of my own. My parents offered me money but of course I can't take it. It wouldn't be right for me to lean on my parents when I'm a grown woman. So I worked my butt off. I worked to provide for my children. I worked for my family, Jungkook."

My chest tightened. It hurts. Seeing her like this. Hearing about her struggles. It hurts like hell. I wanted to make it better. For her and for her kids.

Even though they are not mine, something in my heart already loved them. I wanted to give them a good life. They are young, younger than Athena. I felt guilty for my actions in the past and it's time to make up for them.



"Athena, that's my baby girl's name. She's 5 and a joy of my life."

She smiled before walking over to Athena. She kneeled down beside the sleeping girl and praised her forehead.

"She's beautiful."



How I still love you

• • •

Lisa  P.O.V


"She's beautiful."

I stared down at the sleeping angel in front of me. Her features resembled Junkook's a lot.

From her looks, I could tell her mother was very gorgeous. I know her father is.

Jungkook never changed. He grew fitter and if even possible, handsomer.

His chiseled face didn't change one bit. He looked good.


I froze in place hearing that word again. I felt his breathe blow on my skin as he spoke.

"Lisa look at me."

I couldn't


He placed his hand on my chin and turned my face to his. His caressed my cheek with his thumb and smiled.

"I'm sorry. Truly. I still love it Lisa."


"I want to take care of you and your kids. So, pack your bags. Cause you're moving in with me and Athena. I promise I'll provide for you and your kids. I'll love them as if they are my own. I'll give them a great life. I swear."

He lifted his index finger over his chest before drawing and "x" over it.

"Cross my heart."


I have been quite busy with school work and projects.

I apologize for or updating in a couple of days.

But here it is!!

Next chapter will be the last bonus before I officially declared "Gang Up" as a completed novel!!

See you loves for the final of the finals!


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