1 - Jung Hoseok

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"Yo! Y/N! C'mon we're going to to be late!" Calls your best friend Jisung signalling you to get your ass to class.

You're a junior at your high school. You are one of the top students in your class, and you work at your family's coffee shop that's not too far from your house. But you also like to dance. You you've been dancing since you were 3, it's pretty much the only sport you really like, and are good at.


The school day has finally ended, and once again you have tonnes of homework.

You're casually exchanging things from your locker, but as your doing so, a tall figure walks up beside you to get to their locker, and you know exactly who it is which makes you a blushing mess so you keep your head low and put your sweater's hood over your head.

As you're walking by, you steal quick glances of him. His shiny (probably soft) dark brown hair, his luscious pink tinted lips, perfect cheek bones, beautifully shaped nose and deep brown eyes. You could fantasize over him all day.

You were so deep into your thoughts that you ran into the side of the door and when you look up rubbing your head from the impact, you can see Jisung in the distance laughing to the point where he may tumble over on the ground.

You rush over to him and then get into the car and head to your house.

Once you arrived you both quickly grabbed some snacks and headed up to your room. After setting the snacks you brought up down, you flop yourself face first onto your bed, groaning leaving your best friend just inside the doorway chuckling.

"Why did I have to catch feelings for him, out of everyone ever, and why, just why, does he have to be next to my locker" you complain. "Ok, but like, what exactly is so special and perfect about 'Jung Hoseok'? Like the majority of the girls in school would probably like to get him in bed" he says. "What is so perfect? I've literally told you this thousand of times, and the fact that he's so positive... uhhg" groaning once again but this time shooting yourself up to face him. "And him and I have so much in common, he loves to dance,I love to dance, he plays tennis, I like to watch him play tennis. We're meant for each other don't you see?" "Oh I see alright" Jisung says rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

He pats your shoulder, "you should tell him you like him" "no way, never, he'd for sure reject me, besides, he's grade 12, I'm grade 11, and girls ask him out all the time, he'd probably rather one of those pretty girls instead of me"you state letting out a big sigh. "Whatever happened to 'age doesn't matter when it comes to love' hmm? And you'll never know if he likes you back unless you tell him" Jisung explains "ok but like there can, I'll just wait for him to ask me instead" "good lord what am I going to do with you Y/N" he says letting out a sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose.


Yo yo yo, I am back omg again with a new book. Lol I love to have multiple things on the go so I have like 3 other books being created rn.

I dedicated this book to all the fanboys cause Y/N is always put in as a girl, so this is for you fellas. Fanboys should have as much (good) attention as fangirls even though there are not a lot of them (fanboys).

Anyway if you read this, thank you, I appreciate you.

And please let me know if there is anything I can/should improve on so that I can make this book as best as possible!

Have a good day/night/evening/morning/afternoon and everything else! Luv u!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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