He was there in all his grandeur with is hand in his pocket, leaning on the left side of the door with a smug smile on his face.

I blush profusely as his eyes raked over my figure .

"Hi beautiful"

"Hello handsome"

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let me just grab my clutch"

"Before you do that, have this" he said, holding up a single rose. I carefully took the rose from him and stared at it  "Thank you so much, I love it. I'll be right back"

I walked back into my room to grab my clutch after which I met up with Jaden at the entrance then we walked into his Limo together. He opened the door for me and I walked in on the left side as Jaden went over to the right.

"So where are we going?"

"Its a surprise"

"Really? Please just tell me. Did I tell you how much I hate surprises?"

"Yeah about a thousand times"

"Good now tell me where we are going"

"Its called surprise for a reason"

"Even though you know how much I hate surprises you still won't tell me? You never take anything serious do you?"

"No, only you. Just calm down okay?"


Shortly, we arrived at one of the best restaurant in New York, a five star restaurant to be precise. Jaden got out and the door on my side was opened by valet of the restaurant.

Carefully, I got down and walked over to Jaden. He extended his elbow for me to take "The woman takes the arm" he said with a coy smile and I grabbed his arm.

When we walked in,  arm in arm everywhere went silent. Everyone stared us, no one even tried to hide it as they followed us with their eyes. Some of them even took pictures. Its no longer a new thing, everyone knows I'm Jaden's girl.

It was only a matter of minutes when we arrived at a private booth. The light were dimmed but held the perfect ambiance and the booth was filled with amazing smell of food that made me salivate.

My eyes fell to the centre of the table which had been decorated beautifully. Candles and rose petals littered the table surrounding exquisite plates of food and wine glasses.

"Wow all these for me?"

"Of course everything has to be perfect for my girl"

Jaden reached out and pulled out a chair for me, setting me on it.

I muttered a small "thank you" before watching as Jaden sat opposite me.

"You are truly perfect Jaden"

"Anything for you cupcake, please eat"

I picked up my spoon and stuck it into the perfectly cooked food then I placed it in my mouth. An involuntary moan escaped my lips as the tasty food hit my taste bud.

"Would you like some wine?" Jaden asked as he picked up the bottle of wine with his eyebrow raised.

My mouth was filled with food so I didn't know what to do. I simply nodded my head and chewed quickly to voice out my answer.

Jaden chuckled and proceeded to pour wine into my glass and his. About few minute later, we finished our meal, while making small talk.

"Are you okay baby?"

Yours truly{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now