26. Jealousy

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I stared at him in confusion, wondering what he was about to do. To my utmost surprise, he placed his hands on my feet and removed my heels.

I blush profusely as I paid more attention to the delicious shiver that ran down my spine like a bolt of electricity.

"Thank you" I mumbled and he smiled, showing me his pearly white teeth

"You still haven't told me who you went on a date with"

"Even if I tell you, I assure you don't know him because I myself don't know anything about him except his name"

"Does that mean you went out with a total stranger?"

"actually its not like that, you can't understand"

"Okay, rearrange these for me" he retorted as threw a stack of papers towards me


"You remind me so much of her" he blurted out suddenly

"Of who?" I asked curiously

"Of Raelyn my twin sister"

I know he was expecting me to surprised that he had a twin sister but I wasn't surprised because of that I was actually very surprised that he told me himself, I wasn't expecting it.

"I've heard a little about her from Daniel, I'm so sorry about her death"

"She's feisty and stubborn just like you. Anytime you yell or argue with me, its just reminds me so much of how she used to yell at me, but death took her away from me four years ago"

"You miss her right?"

"So much you have no idea"

"I know how it feels to lose someone you love dearly. I lost my mom few months ago" I murmured as memories came flooding back

"Really?" He asked in disbelief

"Yeah, she was in the hospital for months and I couldn't even do anything. She was in pain.. the pain was so much that I felt it too and she had to use morphine every time to relieve the pain. It got to a stage that her heart got really weak, her body couldn't fight anymore and the doctor gave up on her because nothing could be done again at that stage. I had no choice but to sign off on her treatment and I watched her die right in front of me"

"That must be a really painful experience"

"Yeah, my heart still aches"

He and I stared at each other for a lot longer than we should. I averted my gaze as I felt blood rush to my cheeks. I looked up and saw him still so focused on me.

"Strange" I thought

"Do I make you nervous Miss Conway?" he asked in a hoarse yet sexy voice

"Yeah.. No.. Uhm I mean no" I stuttered

"You should get an award for being the worst liar ever" he remarked, grinning. Then he added "When you started working here you were so feisty, you always argue and yell at me. No one except you and my mom has ever raised his or her voice at me because they know they would be as good as dead if they did"

"Well its not my fault, I don't yell or argue without a reason. You ruffle my feathers a lot"

"Uhmmm, do you hate me?"

"No.. Why would I hate you?"

"You're lying, I know you do"

"I hated you from the very first day you yelled at me back in Florida though I really deserved that but the hatred grew stronger when I started working here and I walked in on you having sex in your office. As time went by, it gradually became worse as I heard different stories from people, though I never really believed them until you started showing me you could be a complete jerk. But I know for sure that the side you show the world is just a facade. Behind that Stern face is a story no one will ever understand and I know you're a nice man you just don't show it"

Yours truly{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now