24. Cancelled deal

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[Anderson Enterprise]

Shortly we arrived at Anderson Enterprise, though it wasn't as big as Brian Donald corp. but it was simply elegant.

I walked in and a lady my age came to welcome me.

"Good afternoon. Welcome to Anderson Enterprise, I'm Samantha Owen Mr Anderson's PA"

"I'm Kathryn Conway, Mr Donald's personal assistant"

"Where is Jaden?" She questioned and I laughed

"Don't call him Jaden in his presence you wouldn't like the outcome"

"He wouldn't do anything because we once had a thing" she said with a dreamy sigh

"That was then, if I were you I'd heed to the advise. Please lead me to the conference room"

She eyed me and spoke "Follow me"

She led me to the conference room where Mr Anderson clad in suit was seated probably waiting for Mr Donald.

His eyes turned to me as I walked in through the front door.
"Good afternoon Mr Anderson" I greeted politely and shook his hand as gracefully as I could but he didn't let go off my hand

"Mr Anderson please let go off my hand"

"Oh, sorry dear. Where's Jaden?" he said as he dropped my hand

"He's not coming, he has something important to attend to"

"Okay then let's get started" he said and I sat down opposite him

"You must be really smart because Jaden doesn't joke with business deals that means he trust you to win this deal. So where do we start from?"

"Anywhere sir"

"Okay , have you ever handled a client on your own before?"


"Can you tell me about your must successful meeting with a client? and how did you go about it"

"I believe your question has nothing to do with the reason I'm here but I will answer you. I would say that my most successful meeting have all had a similar pattern. Once the client has expressed their interest, I make myself available to answer any question they have. Next I elaborate on any of the details surrounding whatever they aren't familiar with I.e features, benefits etc. I believe that when a client is making an expensive deal they like to have time to fully understand all the features and how each feature will benefit them. I also like go explain what makes Brian Donald corporation preferable to another company by representing the company with a superior service and high level of customer support"

"Brilliant! How can I possibly afford the time and money it will take to train our management staff on the new concept?"

"I appreciate your concern with the cost especially since the company has been cutting cost for the past quarter. First our concept will save you time and money by training your management staff for you. We have worked with multiple companies like yours with proven immediate results. Your management staff will learn practical methods to increase productivity, past clients have earned a return on their investments in as little as two weeks following the training date"

"I'm impressed Kathryn, you're very smart" he complimented with an amused smile

"Thank you"

"I have a good news for you Miss Conway, I'll sign the deal right now"

"You really don't strike me as a person that would sign an expensive deal just like that" I remarked as I reached out to grab the paperwork in front of him but he held my hand. My eyes went straight up to his face with a surprised look on my face

Yours truly{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now