28. Lauren

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I heard footsteps behind me, gradually it became louder and I clenched my fists tightly until my nails dug into my palm, but I barely noticed. The only thing I was really aware of my was the sound of my heart throbbing against the cage of my chest.

"Lauren meet Jaden and his personal assistant Kathryn"

To satisfy my curiosity, I looked up and my eyes met hers.

My face fell faster than a corpse in a cement boot and In that instant my skin became greyed. The world turned into a blur and so did all the sounds, everything was gone. The last painful emotion slammed against me before everything darkened into nothingness as I passed into the oblivion of unconsciousness.


I laid there, quietly keeping my eyes closed. Curiosity slowly pried my eyes open to meet a beautiful room which was more like a garden, how much things have changed. The air had perfumed scent and every surface was dustless. There were flower vases and beautiful framed pieces of art.

I cleared my throat to gain attention and Mr Donald rushed over to me "Kathryn are you okay?" he said sounding so frantic.

"I'm okay" I replied quietly as my hers flickered to hers again

"What is this woman doing here?!" I yelled angrily

"Kathryn dear, calm down" Mr Giovanni comforted "Lauren tell us what is happening"

"She's.. Kath.. Kathryn is my daughter" she muttered as she stared down at her feet. Her eyes were red and watery which means she had cried.

"Just shut up to me you are f*cking dead and don't you dare call me your daughter!" I yelled as the tears burst for like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I felt the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child and I looked towards the window as if the light could soothe me.

"I'm so sorry Kathryn, I never mean to do anything to hurt you please let me explain"

"You owe me no explanation, for months I believed I lost my mom. I lived with the guilt that your death was my fault because you over worked just to take care of me and I couldn't do anything to save you. The memory of watching you die right in front of me haunted me everyday. Every night I always cried myself to sleep when I remember how much I miss you and how much you suffered since dad left us. Just remembering how I signed off on your treatment because I thought you were in pains broke me everyday but here... here you.. you are hale and hearty"

Again, salty tears fell from my chin, drenching my shirt. Perhaps, the tears will help to wash away the pain.

Mr Donald walked up to me slowly and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his hand around my shoulder as he sat down next to me, on the bed. I sobbed into his chest unceasingly, hands clutching at his suit jacket. He held me in silence, patting my back in a soothing manner. Despite the heaviness in my stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of my body pressed against his and I didn't want to let go. It felt as if when I was in his arms all my pain went away, both mental and physical pain.

If only I could stay in his arms forever.

"Its fine Kathryn. Stop crying and listen to whatever she wants to say" he comforted

"Lauren I am highly disappointed in you! you never told me you have another daughter. Jaden let's give them space" Mr Giovanni fumed angrily

"Okay, you'll be fine Miss Conway" Mr Donald assured again and I nodded

Mr Giovanni and Mr Donald exited the room, leaving just I and my mom alone. She moved closer to me and reached out to grab my hand but I moved backwards.

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