2. Clubbing

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Grrrrrrrrrh! grrrrrrrrrrh!! grrrrrrhhhh!!!

The annoying sound of the alarm woke me up from my deep slumber.

Thank God today is Saturday! Which means work free day Yaaaaaay!

Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I sighed quietly as the clock glared back at me.

7 o'clock

It was still too early, I switched off the alarm and tried to go back to sleep.

After about five minutes of tossing, tugging at the blanket and cuddling with my pillows, I finally stood from my queen size bed and placed my leg on the cold floor.

"There's still time...." I murmured to myself

It wouldn't hurt to jog for few minutes... Would it?

I pulled off my night wear, scanned through my mini closet and pulled out a black leggings and grey hoodie and quickly put them on. I sat on the bed and strapped on my favourite pair of black sneakers which is now worn out due to endless days of jogging.

I made a mental note to buy a new pair as soon as possible and quickly put my hair in a tight bun. I grabbed my headphone, went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and quietly made my way out of my apartment.

On my way out, I met Ben the cute blondie next door.

"Good morning Ben" I greeted cheerfully

"Morning beautiful, how are you?" He replied grinning

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm good I guess and I see your boobs looks good as usual" he said glancing at my boobs

"Hey! Keep your eyes off my boobs before I remove them out with my nails" I snapped angrily

"Wow! easy there girl I was just joking" he replied jokingly


"You're a going for a jog right? want me to join you?"

"No, thank you! see you later Ben"

I ran off before he could reply.

Cold morning air slapped my face the moment I stepped onto the porch. Exhaling deeply, I begin to jog down the streets, gradually increasing my pace to a light sprint, feet barely touching the ground as I move quickly.

Thirty minutes later, I had covered a reasonable distance and my feet finally halted in a very familiar park.

It was still very empty with few people moving here and there

I took a seat on one of the benches to relax my aching muscles watching as drops of sweat slid down my face. Using the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat on my forehead and gulped down a large quantity of water.

After cooling down, I began jogging back home this time focusing on the thudding of my heart.


I unlocked the door to my apartment and walked in. I glanced at the wall clock and wow it's 8:45am already!

I made my way into the bathroom where I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I walked into my room with my towel securely wrapped around me and got dressed in an oversize T-shirt and threw my hair into a ponytail not bothering to do much as I won't be going anywhere.

Yours truly{Completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat