2. Lessons

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HE ARRIVED AT WINBROOK HIGH with twenty-three minutes until the first bell. Before entering through the double doors, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath; the last free breath he'd take before committing himself to another year of school. He slid across the freshly polished floors and grabbed onto one of the gold and black banners to prevent a crash into a group of other students. Awkward stares were always better than altercation. He waved to the onlookers and continued down the hall, shuffling through a swarm of students until he reached the cafeteria. Much to his anticipation, Raine was there sitting in the courtyard with Jason.

"Jay, Raine!" Eurich burst through the door with a wide smile, eager to greet his best friends for the first time in months. He approached Jason first, as he seemed to be waiting for a handshake.

I should know better. He reached out anyway.

"Still too slow," Jason said before leaping at him.

Before Eurich could react, his head was already under the pit of Jason's large bicep.

"Nice . . . Deodorant," he jeered, trying his hardest to pry himself away from Jason's clutch.

"Hey, let him go!" Raine came to his rescue, pinching Jason repeatedly until he finally released him.

Eurich cleared his throat and shifted his hair back into a presentable style, which was hard to do with such thick curly hair. "Nice to see you too, Jay."

"Likewise, my man," Jason smirked and crossed his arms.

"So . . . First order of business. Why didn't I hear from y'all all summer?" Eurich now crossed his arms, tapping impatiently.

"Hold on now," Raine began. "You were the one who went to Washington for that young student ambassador thing."

"Well . . . Yeah—"

"And," Raine interrupted. "You didn't have a phone. There was no way to reach you. Don't blame us."

"Fair points," Jason agreed, shrugging and nodding.

"Also, just an email away," Eurich pleaded on.

"Who emails?" Jason contorted his face, a look of bewilderment.

"Besides, we were all pretty busy, too," Raine continued. "Jason managed to help kill the planet for profit—"

"Hey now," interrupted Jason, shoving her lightly with his broad shoulder. "So, there are a few oil refineries in the family. You know I love the planet."

"Whatever you say, drill man." She chuckled. "And I was mapping out my dream wedding, so yeah, pretty busy."

"Dream wedding?" Eurich gulped and a cold shiver ran through his spine. Sure, they had only been friends, but the idea of Raine liking someone made him shudder nervously.

"You and Patricia still doing that hypothetical engagement?" Jason asked, laughing.

"Oh . . . That...." Eurich took an easy breath.

"Don't 'oh, that' me. To be clear, she has a much better chance than any of you." She flashed her emerald eyes to Eurich, and that made his heart rush.

She's looking at me . . .

Eurich cleared his throat and diverted his eyes to the blades of grass bursting through the concrete. "So . . . Anyone else excited this is the last year of school?"

"I am. Hate this dump," Jason replied. "So, what's the deal with the new necklace? I mean . . . Cool necklace, but that stone is still god ugly."

"Thanks . . ." Eurich sulked at the sentiment. He'd always thought the gem was unique and full of character.

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