1. Rise

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SUMMER HAD OFFICIALLY ENDED. The beating sun would be traded for cloudy showers soon, but not at least for a few weeks. Leaves would no longer become brilliant emeralds, glistening under solar rays, and no more children playing in the streets. Eurich didn't mind the latter so much, but the rest of it, he'd miss.

He counted down the seconds until the sun peered over the horizon, then squinted as the light beamed through the blinds. He covered his face and sighed, moving from the window to the edge of his unkempt bed. This was the first sunrise of a new school year, the final school year—senior year. He silenced the alarm the moment it rang by knocking it to the ground with a pillow, after sighing once more he went to pick it up.

"Eurich, you up yet? Don't want to be late on your first day of school!" His foster mother yelled from downstairs.

"I'm up!" He countered, slithering to the dresser next to his computer desk. A silver photo frame tumbled down as he manhandled the drawer open. He smiled upon viewing the picture inside.

It really has been twelve years today.

"Eurich!" His mother yelled again. "I don't hear you moving up there!"

"I'm exiting my room as we speak." He closed the drawer and shuffled down the hallway, yawning the entire way to the bathroom.

He was rejuvenated as the sultry waters hazed from the showerhead onto his thick, curly locks. Eurich huffed as he stood under the rinse. He anguished over the thought of another year but knew he'd enjoy it.

After turning off the steamy shower, he reached for a towel and quickly made his way back to the room. He pulled back the blinds, stumbling over a pile of clothes he swore he'd put away several nights ago.

The shirt he picked up was thick with grass stains and had the aroma of lingering summer rain. He went back to jostle his malfunctioning drawer and pulled out a blue t-shirt, along with a dark pair of jeans, and a sweater. He slid right into them. After taking a comb to his still dampened hair, he put on a pair of sneakers and flung his backpack over his shoulder. He placed the lanyard with his school I.D. around his neck, taking a final glance at the photo set atop the dresser before departing.

Eurich's nostrils were invaded by a scent he'd grown accustomed to since living with the Wheelers. The first morning of every school year, the aromatic blend of rabbit meat, russet potatoes, roasted tomatoes, and spices filled the air. The savory sweetness dancing around was the yellow apple glazed pastry, baking around the core ingredients. The dish was called grost, a delicacy from Serra and Albert's childhood.

There, in the den, was Albert engaging in his usual morning ritual. His thick frames were always in a newspaper, though the mahogany rocking chair he sat in was a recent addition.

"Eurich!" Albert had just set the paper down, smiling gingerly. "You're up finally. Serra wanted me to go up there with a broomstick."

"Ha!" Eurich cackled, scratching his head. "Very glad you decided against it...."

"So, Mr. Senior, how do you feel?" Albert asked.

"Like I'm about to start school again."

"Great news." Albert fiddled with his thick-lensed glasses before burying his nose into the paper once more.

"Albert, honey. Your coffee is almost ready," Serra's calm voice emerged from behind the kitchen counter.

"Thank you, Serra."

"So, Eurich," he continued with a grin. "Still planning on naming that prank after yourself this year?"

"Funny," Eurich grimaced. "It was just a silly dare! I am more refined in my old age."

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