Chapter 32.

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  • Dedicated to You.

(a/n: hi guys, I know I haven't updated in a while, but that has a reason. And I know you guys are going to be mad at me but this is the last chapter.. I wanted to make it extra-long .I hope you will like it.)

warning: suicide

End [ˈend]

(Noun) // A point that marks the limit of something: the point that something no longer continues to happen or exist.


Vin drove me around and we had some heart to heart talk. I laughed and cried when we started to share the craziest stuff Harry had done.

"Stay safe." Vin said when I stepped out of the car, "Will try." I said and walked inside the hotel. I closed the door behind me. This sadness killed me slowly.

I thought the pain would die down slowly, I thought the pain would be temporary but I was so wrong. I thought this new city, new life would distract me but fuck I was wrong. "A few months and I lost my mind, Harry." I said hoping that he would hear me.

We had no proper ending, we didn't say goodbye. I suddenly decided to go to the lobby and ask for a phone and took the yellow pages and started to search for Harry's parents. S, S, S Styles.

My hands shook when I typed in Harry's dad his number.



"Styles." I heard.

I held back the tears, he almost sounded like my H.

"Sir." I whispered.

"Kylie?" I heard, I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. "Yes, sir."

"I'm sorry daughter." I heard him say, his voice cracking. He is really dead. (a/n: BITCH NO HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW  HE IS STILL ALIVE WHY DIDN'T HE JUST CALL ELLIOT OR SOMETHING, lmao wait im the author)

"He's gone." I whispered, "He is in a better place now." He replied.

"Goodbye mister Styles." I said and hung up without waiting for a reply. I whipped the tears away and went to the nearest shop to buy rope.

It's time to make myself happy again.


Elliot and I decided to go to Seattle first, since we have a lot of friends there that could help us find her. (a/n: h you better be fast) I didn't know if it would be safe for me if I called Vin right away. I decided not to call him and  got inside a cab and went to the closest random hotel in Seattle.

Elliot sat behind a desk and tried to crack all security/information of all hotels in Seattle. I walked back and forth, I knew something bad would happen, I just felt it. Yet I was here, my hands all tied up. 

"Cracked it." I heard Elliot, I then pushed him away and immediately typed in 'K', it even hurt to type in her name.

I scrolled down and down, and after 20 hotels I just wanted to give up. My tears stained the keyboard and my breathing started to get faster.

"Bro, we'll find her." I heard Elliot. I shut the laptop harshly down. I fucking know that I will find her, that is not the damn problem. The problem is, what if I find her dead?

After resting a bit, we continued to search for her. It was now the turn of a hotel called 'Pan Pacific' and when I typed in K the first name that popped up was:

Kylie Ellis, 19, Room 258

I jumped from my seat fast saving the information about her, we didn't have a car. We looked around to find a damn cab but no.

"Why are you testing me this way?" I yelled at the clouds. Elliot let out a furious groan and went towards a parked car, a Mercedes and picked the lock. He unlocked it and started the car with difficulty. He typed in the address in the GPS and it fucking told us it would take around the 10 hours to drive there. Both Elliot and I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Don't worry boss, we'll get there."


I woke up to the loud thunder outside, I checked the clock: 8 in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and went slowly towards the wardrobe and dressed myself in a white dress. I took the rope and made knots in it. While I did this I furiously cried and whipped my tears while I cursed out Harry.

I thought about how mad Harry would be at me, how much he would hate me for this.

After I was done I took a chair and placed one feet on it. Then the other one, I put the rope around my pale neck.

"Take me to the stars."


I slammed the door shut and ran towards the hotel, the receptionist yelled at me but I didn't fucking care. I took the elevator and ran towards room 258. Please, please.

I heard Elliot following behind me, we both were scared. Both were hoping for the same.

Room 258

I knocked on the door and just then I slowly started to cry. But no answer, I didn't hesitate to break down the door and knocked inside.

"Kylie stop!" I growled.

Just then she pushed the chair underneath her small feet and looked at me with sad eyes but the prettiest smile on her angel face.

"At," she coughed furiously, "least I got to see your angel face for one last time." She managed to choke out.

I stood there frozen on my place, couldn't move. Elliot suddenly pushed me away and went towards Kylie. Just then I went towards her too, both lifting her body upwards.

Don't do this to me Kylie Ellis.

(a/n: ouch that chapter was so bad omg so yeah, everything has an end my loves i hope you enjoyed this little trip with me. i wanna thank every single reader so much and absolutely the ones that read the fanfic from the start till the end. yeah that's it i guess, don't hesitate to ask me a question if you wanna know something or if you're confused or whatever;

au revoir.)

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