Then I saw Patton.

Corruption was standing next to him, holding Patton in chains.  Patton looked at me, bloody tears still cascading down his face.  He looked the same as he did when he first returned.  Bruised, broken, and starved.

"L-Looking for some-someone?"  Corruption purred, pulling on the chain causing Patton to whimper.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn't talk.  I wanted to scream and yell at Corruption.  But I couldn't make any sound.  I couldn't talk. 

Why can't I talk?!

However, the click of a gun startled me out of my thoughts.  I looked up to see Corruption placing a handgun against the side of Patton head. 

Pure horror filled me.  Corruption smiled evilly, seeming to enjoy how terrified Patton looked right now. 

"Logan...Logan help me...please."  Patton begged. 

I tried to say something again, but I still couldn't. 

"Oh w-well, if y-you have n-nothing to s-say th-then."  Corruption said, pulling the trigger. 

The gunshot echoed throughout the place we were in.  Followed by the thud of Patton's lifeless body hitting the floor. 

A terrified scream ripped itself out of my throat.  I went sprinting across the room to Patton.  Corruption vanished into thin air once I was next to Patton. 

I picked Patton up in my arms.  I checked for a pulse, but he was already long dead. 

I started sobbing.  On the side of Patton head was a blood bullet hole.  The side where the bullet exited his head was torn up and bloody.

No no no no.  This can't be real.  This can't be.  Patton can't be dead.  No.  This isn't right. 

Patton please.  Patton please wake up.  I begged him in my mind, still unable to speak. 

Suddenly, Patton's body seemed to start sagging in on itself.  I watched in horror was his skin started blistering and bubbling. 

Then peeling back to reveal bone and muscle.  I gagged as his body seemed to liquify for some unknown reason.

But than it hit me.

The parasite.

This is how the parasite destroys something.  The bullet must have been laced with it.  But why is it happening so quickly?!

But by the time I realized what was happening, almost all of Patton's body was gone. 

I cried heavily, watching in pure horror.  Eventually, all that was left was bones and a blood stained dress. 

"Why didn't you save me Logan?"  Patton's angry voice came from behind me.  "Why don't you love me anymore?"


I jolted upright in bed.  My heart was pounding and I was almost drenched in sweat.  I could feel tears in my eyes. 

A nightmare.

It was just a nightmare.  Patton isn't dead.  I took deep breath and repeated those two sentences until I calmed down. 

Thank god it was just a nightmare.  I placed a hand on my still pounding heart.  I looked around the dark room, taking in what time it was.  3:36 am.

I reached my hand out to where Patton was laying.  I really just wanted to cuddle him right now.  That nightmare was way to realistic. 

But I grabbed cold air instead of Patton's hand.  Instantly, I swept my hand over where Patton should me. 

Where's Patton?

There was no one there and the spot was cold.  I quickly turned the light on, looking in fear at the empty spot next to me in the bed .


Fear coursed through me as I remembered what happened in my dream.  I jumped out of the bed and ran to the door. 

I quickly ran down the hallway and down the stairs.  The light was on in the kitchen.  I was half expecting Corruption to be standing there.

But Patton was there instead.  Eating something. 

I quickly ran over to Patton, startling him.  But before he could say anything, I pulled him into a tight hug.  I hadn't even realized until now that I was crying. 

"Logan...can't breath."  Patton gasped out with a laugh. 

"Oh,"  I said, loosening my grip on him.  "My apologizes Patton." 

"Logan you're crying,"  Patton said in concern.  "What happened?"  He asked while reaching up to wipe the tears away. 

"I...I had a nightmare.  And Corruption shot you and you died.  And I couldn't save you.  And than you were gone.  You were gone."  I rambled, remembering how graphic and realistic the nightmare was.  "And than I woke up.  But you weren't there.  So I was freaking out because I couldn't find you and I worried you were gone again."

"Oh Logie, I'm right here,"  Patton said in a comforting manor.  "It's okay.  You're okay." 

"I'm sorry,"  I mumbled.  "This isn't logical. I should've known that you weren't gone or dead.  It was just a stupid dream." 

"You don't have to be ashamed of having a nightmare.  You're allowed to be scared."  Patton said in a comforting manor.

"Why'd you come down here?" I asked. "You shouldn't be walking around so much in your weakened state."

"I love you for caring Logie, but I was hungry." Patton said with a laugh. "So I got food."

"I guess that makes sense." I grumbled, laying my forehead against his. Patton laughed gently.

"Do you wanna go back to bed?" Patton asked.

"It's 'want to' not 'wanna'," I corrected him. "Are you done eating?"

"Yes, I was just finishing up when you got down here." He answered.

"Okay," I said, picking Patton up. He squeaked and blushed but in a happy way. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck.

I carried him up the stairs, letting him bury his face in my neck. I walked back into his room.

I gently laid him back on the bed, placing a kiss on his forehead. Patton giggled and made grabby hands at me.

I smiled down at him and slid into the bed next to him. I removed both our glasses and than placed a loving kiss on his lips.

"I love you Patton." I said, spooning him and wrapping my arms snuggly around his midsection.

"Love ya too Logan." Patton whispered with a soft smile on his lips.

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