Chapter Forty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Well, yes, there is a spell that will allow wizards to alter the weather, but it's only effective to a slight extent."

"So like... some massive, crazy storm that looks terrifyingly supernatural? Not something a wizard could do?"

"Absolutely not. Magic doesn't work that way."

Clearly not entirely true, but I didn't want to get into it.

I sighed. So I wasn't going to get a nice easy answer. "Okay, thanks Perce. I'll see you later."

"I'll check up on you later tonight!" he called after me as I headed for the Great Hall. I gave him a thumbs up without turning around, too exhausted to talk my way out of that visit. I entered the Great Hall, counted to ten to give Percy time to leave the entry way, then turned around and headed for Professor Lupin's office. If book smart didn't know what this thing was, maybe somebody with real-life experience would. Professor Lupin was the only teacher I really felt comfortable going to with this. I knew he would actually listen to me, and he wouldn't tell a bunch of other people or send me back to Madam Pomfrey.

I knocked on his office door, and to my relief, he answered.

"Alexa!" Like Percy, he seemed extremely surprised to see me up and about. "I thought Madam Pomfrey said—well, it doesn't matter. Come in and have a seat, I'll fetch some tea and chocolate."

"Professor, you're the best." I drug myself through the door and flopped into the nearest chair. As much as I hated to admit it, Percy was right. I needed to go to bed soon.

I felt immediately better when Lupin came back with hot tea and a ton of chocolate.

"This tastes so good right now," I sighed, diving into the chocolate.

"I'm glad." Professor Lupin smiled, but I could still see the worry in his eyes. "Now, if I may ask, what on Earth are you doing out of the hospital wing so soon?"

"Madam Pomfrey checked me and cleared me, I'm fine," I replied. Professor Lupin raised an eyebrow at that answer.

"Alexa, I know a few things about the difference between fine and not fine. You are not fine."

"Okay, whatever, you're right. I'm still sore as hell, excuse the language, and all I want to do is sleep. But my only injuries are bruises and I have too much to do to sit in the hospital for the next few days where Madam Pomfrey won't let me do anything. Come on Professor, if you know about not being fine you must know about this too."

Professor Lupin was silent for a few moments, slowly sipping his tea, and then he started nodding.

"You're right Alexa. I do know about this. About hurting and needing to carry on anyway. I would just caution you not to push yourself too hard. Know your limits. Know your breaking point." I wanted to say something to that, but I couldn't figure out what. Before I could decide on something, Professor Lupin spoke again. "But, I'm sure you didn't come here to get more advice to take care of yourself, which I know you're already getting from plenty of your friends. What's on your mind?"

"I still appreciate the advice Professor." Lupin smiled, and I continued. "I was just wondering if you'd ever seen or heard anything about wizards being able to create massive, terrifyingly supernatural storms. I asked Percy, but he said book-wise that wasn't remotely possible."

"And you think someone with a bit more real-world experience may be able to tell you something Mr. Weasley wouldn't know about."


Professor Lupin leaned back in his chair to think. "Well, I can honestly tell you I've never heard of that before. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it just means I've never seen it."

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