➵ Jack Shephard - Rocks

Start from the beginning

Jack had become the leader of the 46 of us that survived as it was apparent to most people that rescue wasn't coming any time soon. Instead, he helped us to remain civilised and calm as well as functioning as our doctor.
He gave me daily visits, constantly treating my arm in fear of infection. We'd gotten to know each other a little in that time, he wasn't very quick when taking care of me. He'd rinse the burn, then apply cream to it cautiously, as if he didn't want to hurt me further, then he'd bandage it up all while keeping me engaged in conversation.

But now two weeks had passed. My ankle felt as good as new and I could walk fine. The burn was healed over, although I could tell that there was definitely going to be a scar there.

I sat in my tent, rummaging through my suitcase. For some reason, I had only ever gone in there to pull out clothes when I needed them. The case reminded me of my father, who was the one who bought it for me.
It was painful to know that my father may be presuming me dead. After all, it's been a couple of weeks and not a single sign of rescue - the exact opposite has been shown in fact.

But I finally sucked it up and opened my case. I knew for a fact that there wasn't any medicine or anything in there so I hadn't bothered looking for anything helpful. No, all that was in here was clothes, art supplies, and skincare products.
I smiled as I looked in my cleaning bag, laughing at the face mask that was in there.

Why not put it on? When else would you use it?

I then grabbed my bag of brushes and paints and climbed out of my tent. Since there was nothing to do at the moment, I might as well have a little fun.

In a matter of minutes I had sat down in the sand with a face mask on and a smooth rock in my lap. I'd grabbed a coconut shell and filled it with sea water, then laid out my brushes and paint tubes in front of me.
I smiled to myself as I thought about what I was doing. I never thought that my job as a painter would have brought me much use on a desert island, yet here I was, about to decorate a rock.

I stared ahead of me, already knowing what to paint. The gentle sea foam that collected along the shore as waves lapped calmly at it was a peaceful sight. As was the deep blue of the ocean, and soft pastel colours of the almost cloudless sky.
I let the nourishing liquids in the mask soak into my face as I got lost in my stupid little project, contentedly oblivious to a certain doctor watching me from a few feet away.

"You okay there, Y/N?" He mused, a small smile on his face.

I grinned at him and nodded eagerly, "I found a face mask in my luggage, and then decided to paint my surroundings since I've got nothing else to do."

"You had paint in your luggage?"

My eyes and hands focused on painting the scene in front of me, but I still replied to Jack. "As a painter, I'd usually work on a larger scale than this, so I only packed small amounts on my holiday."

I heard him hum in consideration as he sat down a few feet in front of me.

"I think that's the first time you told me your job in the entire two weeks we've been here."

I shrugged lightly, "Not much use in being a painter, not as if we need any interior decorating. I figured it didn't matter."

Jack nodded thoughtfully before turning his head and looking out to sea. I bit my lip at the new, wistful scene he had created, and quickly began to paint the doctor before he moved. I liked painting on a small scale because there were no rules. When you looked at something up close, every little dot and detail can be seen. However, when painting on smaller objects, detail becomes obscured and the image retains a look of naturalism without the added detail as it's harder to see.
I didn't bother painting every wrinkle on Jack's forehead or around his mouth, just the outline of his features was enough for him to melt into the painting.

For about the first time ever, Jack looked at ease. His shoulders were no longer tense and his breathing was slow and steady.
I finished quickly and took some time to look at the man in front of me. He'd done so much for everyone here just out of the kindness of his heart. Though many had died, he'd saved so many too. I was glad that he was taking charge of everyone. He felt like a natural leader to me.

He soon noticed my absent minded staring, and moved to sit beside me. He looked down at the rock I had painted and chuckled to himself lightly.

"I didn't realise you were painting me."

I smiled and looked at him, "I wasn't to begin with. But then you got in the way so I thought I'd put you in there too."

He chuckled again and moved the rock so that he could see it better.

"It's beautiful, Y/N. I had no idea you were so talented."

I shook my head in disbelief before handing the rock over to him completely.

"Keep it."

Jack looked at me, then back to the rock, smiling as he did so. He silently nodded and took it in his hands, "Thank you." He laughed.

"No problem. And by the way, you're much more handsome in real life than you are in the painting."

His eyes met mine as the heat rose to both of our cheeks. I wasn't sure when I'd gotten so bold, but neither of us seems to majorly object to the flirtatious compliment I had just thrown out there.
He laughed lightly while shaking his head, a faint blush apparent on his face.

"I'll see you later, thanks for the rock." He grinned. I nodded in return, looking forward to the next time we spoke.

"Nice face mask, by the way."

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