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After a quick check by the paramedics, they told us to be back for a complete checkup, a black Range Rover came towards us.

Niall ran towards it and gave the car a big hug. Guess it was his then!

We bid a goodbye to everyone who had come and Niall promised that he would speak to them soon. He hugged his mom and dad and they said they would come by tomorrow.

We got in the car and carefully Niall strapped my seatbelt giving me a big cheesy smile. I couldn't actually believe this. We were finally home!

"So I know I haven't introduced you to them", Niall chirped aiming towards the lads.

"Harry, Liam, Louis and Zayn", he pointed out to each and I nodded as I didn't have to recognise them by their hair.

"I kinda knew you didn't know us", Louis spoke from behind.

"I do its just that...", how in the world was I to tell them 'look I am no fan of any of you because you all are just everywhere and get on my nerves'?

"Well she's not a fan, or rather wasn't a fan. You do love me now right?", Niall tried to cover up the real reason.

"I do. And I'll always love you irrespective of what you work as. And Liam, Harry, Zayn and Louis I will always appreciate your work, I mean no harm."

"None taken", Liam who was driving spoke.

I took a deep breath and looked out of the window and saw the silent streets of London pass by. Niall's hand was on my thigh and he was talking about something I had no clue about.


After about an hour I felt my body jerk as the car came to a halt. I was resting my head on Ni's shoulder and I must have fallen asleep. Before opening my eyes I heard Liam's voice, "No Niall you'll can't sleep in the car. Wake her up", he hushed in soft tones.

"But no I can't, she'll kill me if I do and look she looks like a beaut when she's sleeping", Niall whispered.

"Oh god let's just pick her up and take her to your apartment", Louis spoke. I decided to play along as the door next to me opened and slowly I was lifted from my seat. I felt two pair of hands and jumbled words were spoken when I was finally kept in two sturdy hands and I could tell anywhere that they were Niall's.

He walked slowly taking me wherever.

"Okay bye guys see you'll tomorrow", Niall yelled as I heard a click of the lock and keys being jangled.

"We love you Niall", everybody chimed and hugged him while squishing me. And at that moment I realised how much these 5 meant to each other.

"I love you'll too, now go", Niall giggled and shut the door with his leg.

He fiddled and banged his leg against a table and cursed out loud. I couldn't control it anymore and a giggle escaped my lips.

"You were awake all this time?", Niall screeched as he took me to a room, still not keeping me down.

"Of course and can I say something?", I looked at him.

"Sure", he flicked the lights on.

"You should get married to them. It'll be the best marriage ever", I burst out laughing at my own joke. Niall put me down on the bed and the moment my back touched the soft duvet I moaned. It had been so long.

Niall began tickling my sides leaving me breathless within seconds.

"Marry them huh? Made me pick you up all the way. Someone's become naughty."

"Niall.....NIALL STOP", I yelled between laughs. Niall took his hands away from me and sat down next to me.

"Let's sleep. I've been dying to sleep on a bed."

"Let's then", and he picked up the duvet and we slipped below it.

"This is going to be the best sleep I've had in ages", I spoke as Niall wrapped his arms around me.

"Goodnight Ta", he kissed my nose.

"Night Ni."


The prologue of Our Twisted Love Story has been posted. Go to my profile of click the external link !

Thanks for everything all of you'll have done to support STRANDED, meet you'll in OTLS !

** update - wattpad deleted my sequel but it will be up again soon I promise.

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