Date One-o-Three.

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"Mmm I've got something for you", Niall pulled back from our kiss. I raised my eyebrow and looked at what he was fishing out from his jeans. He dipped his hand into his pocket and I could see his fingers reach to something small at the bottom of his pocket.

"This is just a small reminder that I love you and not anyone else", he got out a small ring like material, heck it was a ring but it looked different.

Niall caught my left hand and at first I twitched which made him nervous. Was he proposing?

"I'm not proposing", Niall let out a nervous laughter.

"Its a promise ring. This ring is all I can provide to you right now as a symbol of my love", Niall smiled.

I was left completely speechless. I didn't know what to say or what to do other than nod my head.

Niall slid the ring onto my ring finger and it felt a bit rough. I got my hand up and examined the ring, it was a small branch which was twisted to form a ring shape.

"Now I know its no diamond and in no comparison to a ring like the rest...", he held on to both my hands, "... but I just want you to know I've worked my arse off to make that ring for you,"

"Niall its beautiful", I croaked while looking at the ring that was on my finger against Niall's hand. There was a huge lump in my throat and I could feel tears collect at the brim of my eyes and a soft hiccup overtook. The two ends of the twig were resting upon each other and not crossing paths. It was unusual how the twig was holding such a shape and didn't snap, the whole thing just left me speechless.

"See these ends? They rest on each other and do not cross because that's how you and I are, we depend on each other and are incomplete without one another. And we do not cross one another, there's no superior or inferior, you are as important to me as I am to you. And just like the twig, if one end breaks the ring collapses, if either one of us breaks in this relationship I don't know what will happen, everything will be destroyed then", Niall explained.

I couldn't describe the feeling that was arising in my chest, butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, my breathing got heavy, my heart beated quickly. How did Niall even think of all this? And all of it being beautiful? I wanted to say something but only dry air left my mouth and for the first time in my life I was speechless.

"So Taarika Hayden, I give you this ring, as a promise to you, a promise that I'll be here and I'll always be true. I promise that I'll hold you when your day isn't going right and I will comfort you through the long cold night. I promise that I'll make you smile when you feel like dying, I promise that I'll be here when you feel like crying. I promise that I will guide you when the future isn't clear, I promise I will be there to wipe away your every tear. I promise that no matter what we will make it through. I give you this ring as a promise, a promise that I will always love you."

"Oh Niall", the tears gave way and I started gushing down streams of water within seconds.

"Did I do something wrong?", Niall asked nervously.

"No no these are tears of happiness."

"You're very happy it seems then."

"That was the most beautiful and perfect thing anyone has said to me. I love you so much Niall Horan and I feel like such a bitch for doubting you and not getting anything for you and God I'm sorry but you are the most perfect human being ever and I don't have any words and...."

Niall cut me off by pulling me closer and placing his lips on mine. I was happy he did that because I was rambling about stupid things and I was so happy. I was so happy that I had someone like him who loved me and I was so happy that I loved him, even though he was on my nerves at times but I've never felt such genuine love and happiness when I'm around someone.

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