I'll Do You.

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I woke up to an arm nudging my waist. Cool fingers slid below my top and touched the skin of my back. I opened my eyes and I saw Niall. Why was his hand on my waist? Why were we so close? Why were we cuddling? What the hell happened last night?

Before I stormed those questions at Niall, I shut up quickly. I looked at Niall, he was fast asleep. His hair swamped his forehead. I had never seen Niall's face this close. Freckles and all sorts of small spots covered his neck. His lips were a bit parted. I always keep my mouth open when I slept and looks like he did too. His red, pumped lips was the only colour on his pale face. I wanted to feel how those lips felt. I don't know what was happening to me but my face went closer to his. I had to stop before I made a mistake. But one peck wouldn't hurt. He wouldn't even find out.

My face was hovering over his, lips just about to meet and I saw Niall shoot open his eyes. I shut mine immediately giving him the impression that I was still asleep. My heartbeat was pacing, please God let him think that I was sleeping.

I felt him nudge and he pulled his hand away from my waist, probably wondering how it landed up there. I felt his hand on my chin, his index finger tracing circles on my skin. I was forced to keep my eyes shut, I wanted to know what he would do next. I was hoping my fluttering eyelashes didn't make him realize that I was awake.

His finger travelled to my cheek, cupping it. And out of all the horrors I felt a tickling sensation in my nose and before I know it I sneezed. He immediately took his hand back.

"Lovely start to my day", he muttered wiping his face.

"I am so so sorry. I didn't mean to do that", I got up and so did he.

"That's alright, I was just...", and then he paused.

I knew he was about to give out what he was doing but he stopped.

"You were what?", I questioned raising my eyebrow.

"Nothing", his cheeks turned red and he walked towards the plane.

My legs took me to where he was standing. He just stared at the plane. What were we looking at exactly?

And then as though he read my mind he spoke ,"We'll have to get out all the requirements we'll need. Food, clothes, essentials everything."

I nodded in agreement. I was praying that there was enough food for us to survive till the rescue team came, if they came that is.

"But first, let me put some sunscreen", and he fished out a white bottle from his pant pocket. What he carried sunscreen with him everywhere? This lad was impossible.

He removed his t-shirt and I looked away. I didn't want to see him shirtless, what was he thinking?

"Could you?", he asked and my head popped back in his direction. My eyes scanned his pale chest, which was a bit shiny due to the sunscreen he applied. I looked at his abs, I was right before, he did hit the gym regularly. And then my eyes trailed down the little hairline on his lower abdomen. Before my eyes landed on his pants, Niall let out a fake cough.

"Could you get my back? I promise I'll do yours too", and cue the hot flush I felt in my cheeks.

"Yea...yeah", I mustered the courage and took the bottle in my hand. He turned around and now I had a full view of his back. The butterflies in my stomach did somersaults.

I squirted some sunscreen and rubbed my palms together to spread it evenly. My palms touched his back knuckles first. His back felt cool under my touch. And like any other hand on Niall Horan's back, it found it's own way. Carving and caving into each muscle. I felt like my hands had it's own little mind, not listening to me. My hands travelled to the small of his back. I was nearing the hem of his pants. Oh dear lord.

My fingers brushed against his pants and I pulled back immediately, my hands finally listened to me.

"Done", I gulped down the small drool that formed in my mouth. What the hell was happening to me?

"Come I'll do you", Niall turned.

"Excuse me?", I asked in shock. He did not just say that.

"I mean I'll apply sunscreen on your back", he giggled. That giggle of his was so soothing to my ears.

I turned around and removed my tank top.

"Black huh?", he referred to the black bra I had on. I didn't say anything, just nodded.

He applied the sunscreen above my bra strap, spreading it evenly. He then pushed my strap a bit up.

"Now see you've already tanned here", he said applying lotion and putting my strap to where it belong. My heart now felt like it was doing somersaults. His hands traveled to the small of my back and I knew he was now near my pants. What would he do? My hands were trembling now. Niall had brought out that feeling in me that I'd never knew existed.

His fingers slid below the elastic of my pants and he swooped them out immediately.

"Done", and with that I finally could breathe properly.

I wore my top again. There was no way in hell I was going to be roaming around in just my bra. While Niall had different thoughts. He made a ball out of his t-shirt and kept it next to the sunscreen.

"So you do this part while I'll search in this part", my hands moved like I was addressing an audience. I decided to do the tail portion of the plane and give the cockpit portion to Niall. It was fair enough.

"Ai ai captain", and with that we walked to our respective parts.


After a while of hunting for things and placing them on the beach, I looked at what I'd sourced out. Blankets, the passengers luggage including mine, two torches and looking at the food part of it I had noodle packets, four small bottles of alcohol, I wondered how they survived the crash, plastic bottles of water, four huge bars of chocolates, biscuit packets and small packets that had something in it, I couldn't figure out what and small bowls and spoons. Everything was placed in an order. I also discovered a guitar case, I grabbed it and walked towards Niall's part of the plane.

"Look what I found!", I yelled and Niall's face turned. His eyes widened when he saw the guitar case in my hand. He came running towards me leaving whatever he was doing.

"Is that mine?", he asked, breathless and excited.

"I have no idea", I gave him the case. He put it down and sat on his knees. He hurriedly opened the case and in lay a perfect six string, untouched by the crash.

"My baby", Niall squealed like a little child and pulled me into a hug. Yes it was his guitar.

He was as excited as a little boy on his birthday party.

"C'mon let's see what you've got", I pulled back and we walked towards his part. There were magazines scattered, more blankets and bottles and my eye caught something. It looked like a small sachet, there were four in all. They were a perfect square shape and I just couldn't understand what it was.

"What's this?", I asked taking the packet in my hand and feeling it's contents. Along with Niall's smirk and the realization as to what it was, I threw the packets down.

"Ew ew ew. Where did you find condoms out of all?", I was disgusted. Somebody actually carried condoms back to London?

"I found them plus you never know when it may come in handy", Niall winked which sent shivers down my spine. He was already planning on having sex with me?

"Let's see what you've got", he pulled me by my hand, I pushed away all my thoughts on what he just said.

"Food", he exclaimed and grabbed a chocolate bar. He was just about to take a huge chunk when I slapped his arm. "We have limited food Niall", I warned him. He pouted and wrapped the chocolate and kept it back.

We carried all our findings back to where we slept last night. The clothes were stacked next to the blankets, magazines were piled, food was arranged. We would be good for a couple of days with what we had.

STRANDED  ( Niall Horan )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt