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Day 03

I was feeling heavy. Someone's weight was pressed up against my back. Obviously that someone was Niall. I groaned and pushed his arm away from my waist. There was sweat collecting on my forehead and my back was completely wet. Why was it getting so hot all of a sudden? I turned around and saw an equally sweaty Niall. His eyes were shut, hair was stuck on his forehead due to excessive sweating, what in the world was happening?

"Niall?", I nudged him slowly.

"Um what....Nandos!", he screeched and sat up. Nandos?

"What happened?", Niall wiped his eyes and pushed his hair back.

"Nandos? You did not just say Nandos!", I exclaimed. Niall and his food! He even dreamt about peri-peri chicken?

"Nandos is my love. Anyways why did you wake me?", he stood up and stretched.

"Don't you think its getting too hot suddenly? Why am I sweating so much? Why are you sweating so much?", I pointed towards his forehead.

"Come to think of it, its really getting heated up here. Want to go for a swim?", and with that he stripped down to his boxers, again.

"You are so eager to get down to your boxers ay?", I smirked.

"Are you complaining?"

"Nope", I said popping the 'p', "I love what I see." I removed my now sweaty top and pants and rolled both our clothes together and kept it back down.

"Don't you now", he came forward and wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"As much as I  love your hugs I do not want your sticky body touching mine", I pushed him back. Niall pouted and took two steps back.

"Lets wash ourselves and I'll hug you for hours, deal?", I joked.

"Don't bet on it 'cause I'll actually take your word on that Hayden", Niall grinned.

Ugh. I hated it when people called me by my last name. Wasn't Taarika good enough?

"It's Taarika to you Horan", I waved him off and walked towards the water.

Niall caught up with me and ran faster leaving me behind now. He turned back, the water already reached his ankles, "Call me Horan once again and see what I'll do to you", he turned back and went in deeper.

I giggled and entered the water. It wasn't as cold as before but it was better than the heat on the beach.

The sun shone bright right above our heads in a while which was our signal to get out of the water.


"Lets go shopping", Niall said as I sat down, wearing just an oversized t-shirt.

"Oh yeah let me call a cab to take us to the nearby mall", I fake laughed, "What in the world are you talking about? Shopping?"

"Ha ha. What I meant was our food will dissapear in the next two days. Lets atleast make an effort and search for some fruit trees yeah? That way if we find something to eat we'll stay alive for a little more time."

My eyes  widened at his words.. He quickly realized what he just said and tried covering it up.

"I meant we'll....get um more food. I miss my Nandos so much", I knew he didn't want to say it out loud but the truth was if no one came for us we were going to die on this island. He tried to turn it into a joke with his Nandos talk.

"Okay", I got up, not wanting to waste any more time thinking about death. I didn't bother putting any shorts, my t-shirt reached upto my thighs and I was wearing my bikini underneath anyways. Niall just had blue shorts on, nobody was here on this island to judge us on what we were wearing while 'shopping'!


We came across lots of trees, all of them were fruitless and just as I was pinning down this idea as another fail, Niall screeched. I covered my ears and walked upto him.

"You screech like a little girl", I yelled at him. That's what you get living with a singer. His voice could reach an all time high and it wouldn't affect him at all, it would affect the nearby people of course!

"Check these out", Niall pushed his palm towards me offering me small red looking fruits. I took one and examined it. It was as red as an apple and as small as a cherry.

Niall was about to pop one of them into his mouth when I smacked his hand and it fell to the ground, splashing its juice everywhere.

"That could be poisonous Ni", I warned him.

"But someone has to find out right?"

"And what if it is poisonous? You promised me you wouldn't leave me here alone remember?", I couldn't believe Niall was ready to risk his life for a fruit. That or he was really hungry. Based on the fact that he woke up screaming Nandos, I went with the later.

"Okay why don't we both have it together?", Niall questioned. "If we live, we live and there's more for us and if we die......well we die."

I waited for Niall to burst out into giggles but he had a serious look on his face. He wasn't joking?

"You seriously want to do this?", Niall sat down and offered me the red, plump fruit. He took one in his hand and I sat down opposite to him.

"On the count of three. One....", Niall began the countdown.

"Wait wait. Let me say something first. I love my mom, I love my friends, I love my dog and...and...", I tried remembering who was left out. What if the fruit was actually poisonous, we would die right?

I didn't even realize Niall came close to me when I felt his palm on my cheek. He got his face closer until our lips were inches apart. His stare was constantly shifting from my lips to my eyes.

"Nothing will happen", and with that he let our lips meet. It somehow eased out my tension about us well dying.

Niall pulled back after a few seconds and sat down right in front of me.

"One, two.....three", I shut my eyes and placed the small fruit in my mouth, I squished it with my teeth and a sweet taste covered the insides of my mouth. The fruit dissapeared down my throat within seconds.

I opened my eyes and wondered whether I was going to be alive or not. The first thing that I saw was Niall's face. His eyes were shut, eyebrows were furrowed, mouth was moving, he was still eating his fruit. Even if I was dead this was heaven for me. His face was the definition of cute.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Oh shit", he groaned.

"What?', I asked confused.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you", his lips formed a flat line. I knew he was joking but when would he stop, that was the question.

"Fuck you", I slapped his chest. That statement coming from his mouth really hurt me. DId he actually mean it?

"Please do the honors", Niall smirked and pulled me closer to him by my waist. I did not face him and pouted.

"You know I'll be ready to live my whole life with you alone over here right?", and with that Niall placed his lips on my forehead.

"But I don't want to", I joked. I could feel Niall smile against my forehead.

"Oh but what can I say, looks like you have to", I giggled and our lips met again. Our lips moved in sync and I opened my mouth for him to enter. Even though Niall kept joking and fooling around literally every second, I didn't mind it now. Atleast he tried finding humour in everything rather than being just point blank. What is life without a bit of kidding around anyways? If somoene would have told me I would enjoy Niall Horan's pranks before I landed on this island, i would have thrown a fit then. But look at how the tables have turned.


SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE! I've got college on my head and I just couldn't find the time to write out a chapter! I promise for regular updates! Thanks!

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