What Is He Scared Of?

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"You're doing nothing besides eating them Ni", I yelled at Niall. We were supposed to collect all those tiny, red fruits back to the beach but all that Niall did was pop a handful of them in his mouth every five minutes.

"But they are so juicy......and......so good", Niall spoke with his mouth full.

"We can go back and eat them too. Get your arse up and help me."

"But we didn't get a bag with us, how are we going to carry all of them back?", Niall asked getting up.

"There aren't much left thanks to you. There are many on the tree though."

"There's no way in hell I'm going to climb that tree", Niall backed out before I could say anything.

"You were the one who ate the ones that were already fallen so yes you will be the one climbing", I caught hold of Niall's hand and pushed him slowly to the tree's trunk.

"All the best", I flashed him a big smile trying to woo him into climbing the tree.

"Just because you think you'll give me a big smile doesn't mean I'm going up. End of story."

Niall sat back down wiping his hands on his blue shorts. I had to do something which would get him to climb the damn tree.

"But pleaseee", I stretched the 'e' and positioned myself on his lap in a straddling postion. Niall's eyes widened as I placed my legs on either side of his waist, looking straight at him. Niall wrapped his hands around my back to prevent me from falling. I placed my hands on the back of his neck and entwined my fingers pulling him closer. I could already feel his bulge through his shorts as I had only worn a t-shirt and nothing below, other than my knickers of course. I moved my hips closer to his stomach purposely trying to create a fritcion between both of us. I brought my face close to his neck and left a soft kiss. I could hear Niall's heartbeat increase under my touch. Next I kissed him below his earlobe which made him let out a small moan. I went upto his ear and whispered, "You'll only get the rest if you climb the tree."

Before I could even finish my sentence Niall pulled me ahead.

"You will pay for this later you tease", and with that he slapped my bum. I yelped like a puppy completley shocked by his actions. Niall looked at my expression and giggled. I knew teasing him was a bad idea but this lad had his own plans.

Niall got up and looked at me.

"What?", I questioned.

"I'll need that t-shirt of yours."

I could feel a hot rush in my cheeks. "W..why?", I stuttured.

"Cause we'll have to collect the fruits in something. Both our hands won't be enough and since I'm not wearing a shirt.....", Niall grinned and somehow I had a feeling he knew he would get what he wanted.

"Fine", I huffed, "Turn around will you?"

"Nope. There is no need for that. You were basically straddling me seconds ago, you can undress in front of me", he said with a straight face.

I knew he wouldn't do it so I turned myself but Niall held onto my wrist and pulled me closer.

"You are doing it in front of me, right here right now", his hot breath tingled my skin. Why was he doing this? Not that I was ashamed of my body, I wasn't like those girls, but I found it odd to undress in front of someone, agreed I was teasing him before so why not? I decided to go with it but Niall's grip on me was tight.

"Well I need my hand for it", I picked my hand up and showed him how tight his grip was.

"Go on", Niall let go and took two steps back. I got my t-shirt till my head and slowly got my head out through it. I knew Niall was eyeing me from head to toe, I wasn't even looking straight at him. I bend my left leg a bit, my t-shirt was ruffled up in my hands on my thighs. There was an awkward silence between us.

Niall came closer and took my t-shirt in his hand and placed it on his shoulder so that his hands would be free. Next his firm palms cupped my face which made me look at him straight. "You are so beautiful, please do not think otherwise", and with that he came forward and kissed me. I was a bit suprised by what was happening, my lips weren't even moving but then my hands found its way to Niall's chest and I kissed him back.


We managed to get back pretty much lots of fruits that would last atleast a day, if Niall didn't finish them earlier! We could always go back and get some more anyways. The sun was setting and like the past three days Niall and I sat next to each other and watched the sky turn into a dark shade of red. We didn't talk much at this time. We both were always lost in our own world. I wondered what Niall thought at this time of the day. I used to always think about being rescued. I wanted to go back home, sleep in my bed, wake up to the smell of bacon, eggs and toast my mom used to prepare. I wanted to go back to my friends, the ones who dragged me unnecessarily to the mall, the ones with whom i used to be so happy with. In the end I always wondered whether someone knew where we were, whether someone was searching for us. I mean I knew my family and friends were worried about me but my family wasn't as big as Niall Horan's 'family'. i mean Niall Horan from one Direction was missing. Didn't his group members, fans, the whole crew want to search for him? Or were they already on their search? Why were they taking so long?

"Taarikaaa?", Niall's voice broke into my thoughts. I looked at him and he was clapping his hands in front of me.

"What are you doing?", I asked him with a small smile on my lips.

"I've been calling out to you for atleast ten seconds. Where in the world did you dissapear to?"

"Um nowhwere I was just thinking about something", I nodded my head and looked back at the ocean. The sun had already set but there was a hint of red still in the sky. I didn't want to tell Niall what I was thinking about. Somehow I had a feeling that he didn't like talking about death, or he didn't like to waste his time thinking about being rescued.

"Don't you want to be rescued?", I asked him. I was still facing the ocean but Niall knew I was talking to him, "Do you think we'll die over here waiting for someone to rescue us?"

"Oh that was what you were thinking about", the way the words sounded leaving Niall's lips I knew he was put off already.

"Lets not waste our time thinking about that. Lets start a fire, its getting dark already", and with that Niall got up and walked away to collect some sticks for the fire. This was what he always did. He ran away. He never ever spoke about it and when the topic arose he just walks away. I wanted to know why he was doing this, why din't he feel comforatble talking to me about it. Did he not want to be rescued? Did he want to spend his entire life here? I wanted answers but I knew I wouldn't get them soon.


This was just a filler. I'm sorry if you expected more in this chapter, but this is all i could do! This chapter is dedicated to @_Dedicated_1D cause she's been so lovely by voting and commenting on nearly all my chapters!

STRANDED  ( Niall Horan )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon