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Niall lay down next to me, his hands pushed me back slowly so I wouldn't hurt my back. From the time his lips met mine, they never lost touch. I could smell the shaving cream off of his cheeks, his lips were soft against mine.

Niall's fingers entwined with mine and they rested next to my body. My palm kept rising up as Niall's tounge went in deeper. He then peppered kisses all along my neck and he sucked on my sweet spot.

One moan from me made him take my skin in between his teeth and gently tug on it. After leaving what felt like a deep mark, he blew air over the bruised area which drove me crazier.

"You're mine", he whispered against my lips and with that I immediately switched position and pinned him below me. My actions caught him of guard but a small smile formed on his lips knowing what I wanted.

I now sat on top of him, my hands holding onto his for support. I tried creating a friction between both of our thick pant material. I went all the way till his waistline, slowly and Niall muttered a 'fuck' under his breath.

He placed his hands on my waist, his hips rising taking me up with him and then I felt his bulge. He slid the waistband of my pants down my hips and I stood up to get it out completely. He utilized that time by removing his pants and now I was straddling him, with both of us just in our knickers.

"Keep doing this and I'll come faster than ever", he whispered as I lowered myself down to kiss him. The kiss was full of hunger and lust as our tounges fought for dominance. I kept rubbing my palm against his bulge during the kiss which caused him to moan in my mouth. This action of mine was forming a pool in between my legs.

Niall's hands sneaked its way below my t-shirt and rested on my breasts. He kept pinching my nipples to which I grabbed onto his bulge and rocked it slowly below my palm.

In a matter of a few minutes, with Niall's breathing rate increasing after every second, I could feel the fabric of Niall's knickers get wet and I pulled back and looked at him with a questionable look.

He was so quick.

"Fastest ever", he smirked and pulled me next to him. After giving me one last kiss he got up to change into a new pair of pants.


We now sat in front of a small fire with Niall strumming random notes on his guitar. It was a chilly evening so I had wrapped a blanket around myself. Niall insisted 'a little chill would not do anything to him'.

"You know I've been saving this", Niall kept his guitar on the side and brought out two small bottles from his pocket. Again with mysterious things coming out of his pockets.

I narrowed my eyes at the small bottles.

"Want one?", he gave me one small bottle. To my surprise they were alcohol bottles, vodka to be specific.

"Where did you get these from?", I asked. Why had he been hiding them?

"They survived the crash. There are three more bottles so we can have one right now", he smiled opening the bottle he had.

"But why did you keep them away from me all this while?", I asked as Niall took a sip of the drink from his bottle and pulled a weird face. He handed the bottle to me ad I took a sip of the luke warm liquid. The familiar feeling of alcohol burning down my throat bought back so many memories. I shut my eyes and savoured each drop.

"Because knowing you, you would have finished all five bottles on the first day. Night's like these were what I was saving them for", he took the bottle from my hand before I could take another sip and raised his eyebrow at me.

"You're supposed to take small sips."

"That's what you get for hiding such things from me. Plus it feels so good", I knew my eyes were gleaming and so were Niall's after he took another sip. All this while our 'kitchen' consisted of now-no-more plane food leftovers and lots and lots of berries. There were a few chocolate bars left but we both assumed it was melted beyond its consumption point.

"That's why I got them out now", I gave Niall the bottle I had and he kept it near his guitar. He shifted towards me and I opened up the blanket for him. After he was close enough, he placed his arm around my waist, the other holding the bottle and I wrapped the blanket around the both of us.

"Feels good right?", I asked before taking another sip from the bottle.

"Couldn't ask for anything more", he took his sip and kissed my neck.

I giggled and took a small sip leaving some for Niall to finish off. He snuggled his face in my neck, both his hands wrapped around my waist, eyes shut.

"You don't want the last sip?", I whispered against his forehead. My fingers kept pushing his hair off of his face.

I felt Niall say something against my skin but I couldn't understand a thing.

"Okay then", I smiled to myself and drank the last sip of alcohol. My insides were the warmest I've ever felt for a long time.

"I said I wanted the last sip", Niall's head poked up.

"Oops sorry", I smiled showing him the empty bottle.

"You're going to pay for it", and with that Niall pinned us both on the soft sand and he began tickling my sides.

"Niall.....stop....Niall", I yelled in between giggles. Tickling was my weak point.

"Only if you say Niall Horan is the hottest and the most loving guy ever", his fingers dug into my waist deeper to which my legs flew up in defense.

"I'll.....never..... admit..... that", I was panting for air and laughing and talking all at the same time.

"Say it", he demanded tickling me over and over again.

"Okay okay....", Niall's fingers stopped in it's tracks.

"Niall Horan is the hottest and the most loving guy ever", I yelled and Niall lay down next to me pulling the blanket over us.

"Now was that so hard to admit?", he scooped me closer.

"Certainly not", I spoke sarcastically.

"Now get some sleep love, we've had a long day", Niall kissed my forehead and I placed my hands on his chest while his fingers now fiddled with my hair. My breathing got back to normal and I could feel Niall's eyes shutting.

We've had a long day indeed!


Who doesn't love a nearly drunk-giggly Niall? Well I certainty do!

I am currently sitting with 2,688 reads and I couldn't be more prouder! Thank you to all who have been reading, voting and commenting.

This chapter is dedicated to @twerking_for_horan ! Thanks for all your support!

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