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***Unedited. Just trying to get back in the habit.****

The flame burned her fingertips, and Gin let out a curse, dropping the lighter onto the sidewalk. She didn't have a taste for smoking, but Mick did, so she knew the way it was supposed to work. Only, the cigarettes and lighter didn't seem to want to cooperate with her idea. She was tempted just to wave her hand and...

"Didn't take you for much of a smoker."

Gin stopped blowing on her fingertips, glancing up to see a halo of black hair backlit by the flickering streetlight. Delia, and Gin didn't even have to glance at her wristwatch to know she was right on time. 

"How could you know?" Gin asked, letting the cigarette dangle from her fingers instead of trying to light it again, "We barely spoke the last time."

"Before you were running away, you mean?" Delia grinned, her teeth flashing white against dark skin, as she leaned against the building next to Gin. The lighter in her hand flicked open easily, her mouth opening in moments to let loose a perfect O of a smoke ring, "What was that about anyway?"

A shiver went through Gin as she remembered, Ali, the singing, the weirdness of yesterday, but she only murmured, "Mmm, a girl has got to leave some mystery."

Delia laughed, and Gin relaxed. She had her own part to play tonight. She stretched herself out along the wall, showcasing her legs that she knew were a mile long tonight. It had taken her an hour to pick out an outfit, and in the end, she had settled on her vintage mini dress, the blood orange lace clinging to her curves. Her wardrobe was a weapon, and she needed the best tonight. 

While Mads risked herself, and the rest of them should she fail, Gin hadn't been able to get the image of Delia out of her mind. What had she been doing at the beach that night, and how was she tangled in the mess that should have belonged only to the four of them?

"Well, Gin, what brings a girl like you out tonight?"

"I know you haven't been in town long, but surely you had to notice by now that there isn't much to do." 

Delia nodded, and Gin took the chance to study her. She was wearing gold again, a beaded tank and low slung jeans, and Gin's eyes just happened to dip low enough to settle on the strip of skin between the two. 

"Honestly, I've mostly just been spending time here at The Noir. Not too busy, but it pays well."

Gin cleared her throat, "Why are you here? In Wildwood, I mean. We get visitors, but not a lot, and not many below the age of retirement."

Delia threw the stub of her cigarette down, crushing it below one toe, "I have family here. My Great Aunt owns the Tea Shop, although she swears she doesn't need my help."

"Mrs. Thea is your Aunt?"

"Yep." Delia flashed a grin, "The witchy tea reader is my Aunt. Still want to talk to me?"

Gin couldn't help but smile at the irony, "I've known Mrs. Thea my whole life. Long enough to know she would have my skin if I said anything bad about her family."

"I swear she has eyes and ears everywhere, sometimes she knows what I'm thinking before I do." Delia laughed, a husky chuckle that set something burning low in Gin, "Anyway, what are you up to tonight?"

"Actually, I don't have any plans," Gin took a step away from the wall, "but the boys said there's something going on at the sticks, although that's pretty much every other night in the summer. I was actually hoping you would join me?"

Delia crossed her arms, "A high school party? Gin, I just turned nineteen. A little old for that, don't you think?"

"I'm almost eighteen, and only juniors and seniors go to the sticks. And it's not as if there's any risk of getting in trouble. Everyone knows, but no one does anything about it." Gin held her hand out, "Come on, it won't kill you to have a little fun while you're here."

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