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Y/N walked out of the airport when a pair of muscular arms pulled her in a hug, making her jump in surprise. She calmed down when she recognized the cologne and knew immediately who it was.

"You scared me, Pabo!!" She spoke while playfully hitting him. He chuckled at her reaction before frowning a bit.
"Were you really going to walk out there alone? Can't you see, there are tons of fans waiting for you? It's really dangerous!" Jungkook told her with worry. She pulled out of the hug and smiled up at him. 
"I was about to, but you're here now to protect me." He smiles back and kisses her. 
"I will, baby. I will always protect you no matter what." After a few moments, they pull away from each other and head outside. Jungkook wraps his arm around her and whispers, "Just hold onto me. Jin Hyung is inside the car at the front waiting for us." She smiles, thinking of hugging her Jinnie.

They walk outside at the chaos of the media and fans.
"Y/N Unnie, we missed you!" Her fans shout, making her smile. But as more people gather around them, she starts to feel a little scared. Jungkook feels her grip on him tighten and turns to see the panic in her eyes,
"You'll be ok, baby. I'm right here." Jungkook said, trying to reassure her. Jin, sensing something wrong, immediately gets out of the car and makes his way to them. Y/N sees Jin approaching them and feels her excitement build and start to outshine her worry. She jumps into his arms as soon as he's close enough.
"I missed you so much Jinnie." She whispered to him, still a bit overwhelmed from all the fans. Jin smiles from her statement and gently kissed her forehead. He looks to Jungkook, while still hugging Y/N.
"You can drive, I'll carry her." He told him.

After getting settled in the car, Jin spoke up.
"Are you alright sweetie?" Jin asked, worried about earlier. Y/N smiles and nods to reassure him.
"Of course! I had both of you there to protect me. I promise I'm good." She stated with a smile. Both boys chuckle while she wonders out loud "Where are the others?" Jin responds first.
"The rappers are currently at the office, Jimin is with some friends and Taehyung is at the dorm.... probably playing games." She nods, before making a quick decision.
"Let's go pick up the boys at the office so we can all eat together." She suggests with a smile. Jungkook nods and drives to their company.
"What about Jimin Hyung?" Jungkook asks. Y/N takes out her phone.
"I'll text him." She said.

To: MinMin💜

MinMin, where are you? Jinnie, Kook and I are about to pick the others up at the office and head back to the dorm so that we can all eat together. Please come home.

From: MinMin💜
I'm glad that you're safe. I was so worried when I heard about all the fans waiting at the airport.
Babe, I'm with my friends...
They won't let me leave right now.
I'm sorry.

To: MinMin💜
That's fine, but I miss you! I want you to eat with us! You need to get your hugs and kisses as well!

From: MinMin💜
Aww! I miss you too, babe!
I need those hugs and kisses!
I'll be there, I promise.

To: MinMin💜
Yay! I will See you later.
Love you💕

From: MinMin💜
Love you too 😘

Y/N smiles and looks at the others.
"Jiminie says he will be there!" She says in excitement, making the two boys to smile at their girl.

*Time Skip*

Y/N walks up to Manager Sejin.
"Where are the Oppas?" She asked, causing him to chuckle at her excitement.
"I think Yoongi is in his studio and I saw Namjoon and Hoseok in the cafeteria." He answers. She nods and smiles.
"Thank you Manager Sejin!" She says while running towards the cafeteria, leaving Jin and Jungkook to talk to their manager. "Joonie!!! Hobi!!!" Hoseok, who hears the familiar voice, immediately stands up and makes his way to the girl that he's missed. She smiles happily and hugs him.
"Darling, you're here!?!" Hoseok happily exclaims, hugging her and spinning her in a little circle.
"Yes, I'm here to pick you and my two other geniuses up! I want us all to eat together." She leaves his arms and jumps into Namjoon's arms.
"My baby girl's home." He whispers to her. She giggles.
"I am! Jinnie and Kook are talking to Sejin Oppa outside. I'm going to go and try to get Yoongi Oppa out of his studio." Namjoon and Hoseok smile at her as she leaves, and makes her way towards Yoongi's studio.

Seeing the familiar door, she knocks lightly but doesn't get a response. Being the only one who knows the security code, she unlocks the door while smiling to herself, thinking he is probably sleeping again. She enters the room quietly to find him sleeping on the couch. Chuckling lightly, she gently lays on top of a sleeping Yoongi, who jerks awake at feeling another body on him. He looked around frantically, until a familiar person filled his vision and immediately calming down at the feeling of familiar hands caressing his hair. She whispers, feeling bad for scaring him.
"It's just me." He wraps his arms around her tiny body. He hums happily.
"You're here." He whispers while smiling. He opens his eyes to her giggling.
"Yep, I am here to get you out of this studio." she says with a hopeful look.
"I still have a lot to do, Hun." He answers, feeling a little guilty. She just grins.
"I know you do, but I also know that you can never say no to me. I really want us all to eat together." She pouts, thinking that he had too much work to do. Yoongi laughs.
"I'm afraid you are right." Yoongi answers as she stands up. He sighs sleepily and gets up as she takes his hand, pulling him up.
"Let's go! I want to see TaeTae!" She says excitedly.

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