The Museum

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Hey everybody! Peter Parker here with a new update. Sorry it has been awhile. The author has been dealing with A LOT lately and hasn't gotten a break until now. She wanted to give you guys an update for all your love and support. Can you believe this story has hit 6.85k reads in less then 2 months!? Also, Happy Anniversary MARVEL! 80 years in the making!Spider hugs for all!!!!

Ok, on to the update.

We followed Lucy through the maze of hallways, endless lectures about science labs, and countless times of Flash being told not to touch something. Eventually, we reached a door I was unfamiliar with. Which was highly unusual since I have been everywhere in this building.

Lucy stopped before entering and turned to confront the group, and yes it included a large smile that she has managed to keep on her face this entire time. "Alright team, past this door is one of our more loved parts of the tour. Recently, Mr. Stark had this part closed so we could add another part to the museum. You all are the first to see it!"

The whole class cheered. I even had a smile on my face from the excitement to explore a new part of the building.

Lucy managed to get everyone to calm down before she began to talk again. "When you enter, you may roam freely as long as you don't leave the room." She turned to look directly at Flash, "And as long as you don't tOUCH anything."

She opened the doors and we all swarmed in.

There in front of the Decathlon team was a beautiful museum filled with all you could ask for about the Avengers. Information, old uniforms, old weapons, EVERYTHING!

As I walked further in, I studied as much as I possibly could before I was quickly spun around by a hand on the shoulder.

Ned stood in front of me with a look of excitement and disbelief. "Dude! You have GOT to see this!" Without even a response he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to another part of the museum.

This area looked brand new compared to the rest of the museum. This must have been the new addition.

As I walked through the curtains, there, in a glass protective case, was my original spiderman suit.

I had my own piece in the Avengers museum.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was information about me that only few knew. How I got my powers, how I built the suit, how I made the webs. It was the best possible thing that could have appeared on this fieldtrip.


Wait a minute. Where's the Karma in all this good?

A hand landed on my shoulder.

Oh, there it is.

"Well kid, what do you think?"

There standing behind me, hand on my shoulder, was Tony Stark.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and was suddenly watching my every move. All I could do was stutter and be the goof that I am without thinking. "We.. well Mr. Stark. Its... it's amazing. Than... thank you!" I looked up at him with a smile.

He smiled back at me and we exchanged a moment that only a father and son could ever experience. "Only the best for my favorite kid!"

That's when everything came crashing down.

"Parker! Why the HELL is The Tony Stark calling YOU his favorite kid?!"

Great. There goes my life line. Everybody wave goodbye! 👋 Aaaand, there it goes, along with my pride.

I turned to, you guessed it, Flash. "Well Flash as was stated earlier by FRIDAY, I am Mr. Stark's personal intern."

Flash gave a hearty laugh at the thought. "You! Puny Penis Parker! Ha! Are The personal intern for The Tony Stark!? Ha! That's a good one Parker."

The hand on my shoulder tightened. Oh, shit.

"What did you just call Peter?"

Flash shut up then and there. He was too shocked to respond.

Mr. Stark continued on. "Are you accusing my personal intern and heir to STARK Industries a liar?!"

Yay! More secrets being revealed! I love it when that happens.

You all note the sarcasm, right?

Flash couldn't respond. He didn't know what to say after such a huge response from Mr. Stark. All he could do was stutter. "Well... I mean... You see... I didn't..."

Mr. Stark interrupted him. "You didn't what? You didn't know? Even if you did know, you still don't treat someone like that! You don't bully others! Do Not Ever bully Peter Parker EVER again! Do you understand me?"

The only response was a nod of Flash's head and the silence of the Decathalon team as they watched on.

Suddenly, Mr. Stark clapped his hands and put on a big smile. "Alrighty then, shall we get on with the tour?"

Mr. Stark walked over to Lucy and began to discuss the next stop on our tour. Everyone else began to shake out of their stupor and continue with the museum.

What just happened?


Thank you everyone so much for enjoying this latest update. I don't know when the next will come about, but the Author says she will try here best to humiliate Flash... sorry I meant write more. Until the next update, Spider out!🕸✌

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