"Harry." I say, causing him to look over at me. "Why did you come home like that today?" I ask, tucking my hair behind my ear.

He purses his lips and looks ahead of him. "I told you. I didn't feel comfortable leaving you alone after what hap-"

"No. What's the real reason. I know something had to have happened." I say, turning my body so that I was fully facing him.

"Lydia, nothing happened." he says, putting the book on the coffee table in front of him and swinging his legs off of it.

"Bullshit." I spit out, not budging. He sighs in annoyance, but also in defeat and turns his body so that we were now both facing each other.

"I got a letter." he says blankly. I shake my head and knit my brows together.

"Okay..." I say slowly, hoping he'll elaborate.

"From the Phantoms."

My blood runs cold and I feel my heart stop for a split second. "What did it say?" I say nervously.

He takes a deep breath. "They threatened us. Me and you." he says, pointing his finger back and forth between the two of us.

My mouth falls open and immediately goes dry. "Oh my god." I say, becoming more freaked out with each passing second.

"But listen." he sits up straighter and reaches for my hand. I look up at him as he holds my shaking hands together. "We're safe here. We have a state of the art security system, no one can get in." he says softly.

I swallow a lump in my throat and stare at him, unable to say anything.

"The guys won't let anyone touch you. I won't let anyone touch you. I swear. You're safe with me Lydia, always." he whispers.

Our faces were so close. His green eyes burned into mine as he spoke, and he didn't look away once...so I knew he was being sincere.

"T-thank you." I stammer quietly.

We looked at each other, wide-eyed until my eyes drifted down to look at his lips.

They were slightly parted, and they looked so soft. All I wanted to do was feel him.

I knew it was a bad idea...but frankly, I didn't care anymore.

So, with our hands interlocked...I closed my eyes before leaning in and kissing him.

Our lips connected and he sucked in a breath through his nose. Our lips rested with each other's softly. I was taking in everything.

He smelled of mint, and I could feel it on my lips. Feeling his breath on me was something that I didn't know I missed so much.

Feeling him on my lips was such an incredible sensation. It's been too long since I've experienced it.

He let go of my hands and grabbed my hips.

And then he started gliding his lips with mine, causing me to follow his lead. My hands travelled up to his hair.

He started pulling my hips downward. I noticed his action and scooted my body underneath his as he hovered on top, not disconnecting our lips at any moment.

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