How They Ask You Out-

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"Listen, I have a crush on Hikaru-" I started, Kaoru chuckled "I knew it" He said smirking, my eyes widen as my face flushed "y-you did?" I asked, he chuckled "Well duh, I'm not stupid Y/N, you're my best friend, he's my brother, I can just tell you both have feelings for each other" He stated, your heart raced as your face flushed...interesting.

You shook your head a bit "anyways I want you to flirt with me" you stated, Kaoru's eyes widen a bit as his face flushed "W-what?" He asked, you smirked "I want you to make Hikaru jealous. Flirt with me, call me names, hold my hand, wrap your arm around me, whatever I just want Hikaru to get so jealous that he'll spew his feeling towards me" You said and shrugged a bit,

Kaoru looked hesitant "Are you sure? You've seen Hikaru jealous before...that doesn't really sound like a good idea plus what if he never talks to you again?" Kaoru didn't really think of the consequences about sighed and shrugged "He won't do that. Just please Kaoru do this for me?" I asked.

He just sighed and rolled his eyes but nodded which made you jump up and down a bit and hugged him and thanked him. He chuckled and nodded as the club began to start.

You helped along in the host club as a maid and frankly the boys forced you, but you don't care you actually kinda liked it, you were close with the others and they always made you smile and laugh despite their stupid shenanigans and petty fights.

Whenever the boys didn't have guests, Kaoru would always cat call you out, or if he was near you he would wrap his arm around your waist and you both would just laugh and talk about Hikaru which from the looks of it was about to explode.

He looked not only pissed but super jealous, his face was red, and he was clenching his fists tightly trying hard to not explode but I think we're already passed that.

He shot up from his seat and shouted, "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" He fast walked over to you and Kaoru and basically tore Kaoru away from you and pushed you against the wall, with his hands beside your head, basically trapping you.

You tried hiding your smirk as you frowned a bit "what's the matter Hikaru?" You asked, he clenched his jaw a bit and breathed heavily "I can't take Kaoru touching you like that and saying all those things" He admitted as his face flushed,

Your eyes widen as your face flushed as well "Are you jealous Hikaru?" You asked smirking a little, he scoffed "yea right" he denied, you titled your head a bit "then why you do you hate when Kaoru does that?" You questioned, he groaned a bit "Because I-I" he stuttered, you giggled and couldn't take it any longer as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips softly which made him freeze a bit,

Both your faces were on fire as you just smirked while Hikaru had a stunned look on his face. He blinked a few times which made you laugh a bit "W-what are you laughing for!" He shouted, "Hikaru you know I only like you. Me and Kaoru were pranking you so you would admit your feelings" You stated,

Hikaru's eyes widen as his face flushed with embarrassment "you are evil" he stated as his hands fell to your waist. You smirked a little and giggled "I learned it from the best" you stated, it was quiet for a moment as you both didn't care that the rest of the club was there watching you,

"D-did you mean what you said?" He asked, you blushed and smiled "of course I do Hikaru" you whispered, he smirked a bit "Alright then, how about we go out tonight, just you and me" he suggested, you smiled and nodded which made him smirk and walk off. You squealed and hugged Kaoru who just laughed...Guess it went better than you thought.

Takashi Morinozuka- Over the times of you spending your days at the Host Club your crush towards Takashi aka Mori has only gotten worse. You swear you can't even look at him without smiling or blushing and to be honest Mori is the same...well everytime he looks at you he cracks a smile and his face flushes a bit but you both are just too afraid to admit your love for one what you need is a little push.

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