Chapter 13- Fulfilled

Start from the beginning

"Benson, a lot of them fainted."

"She had... black hair. Long black hair. Her name was... Meedle? Melly?"

"Medley?" Lisa's heart jumped. Benson didn't know about her visit with the Ruhirian, did he? Why would she catch his interest? Out of everyone?

She'd recognized her instantly at the practical exam the first time. She'd passed with a barely above-average grade. And in the pressure exam, she did alright, but not as good as most of her competitors. Benson's goal was to give more underappreciated species a chance in the school, but why Medley of all the humans that tested?

They entered their soundproof meeting room and sat in their respective chairs with their colleagues. Everyone had the same, glassy-eyed expression, their eyes bursting with the desire of a comfy sleep capsule and melatonin tea... or whatever other sleep hormone other species produced.

When Josephine entered, she looked exhausted beyond measure, a rare occurrence for her. Even though they'd been given a bit of a break from the emergency admission process, focusing on the regular classes the past few days, it was still extremely grueling on all of them.

"Well." She sighed, slumping into her chair. "How many passed with a score over 80?"

"One hundred candidates, ma'am," one of the professors replied, scrolling on his AIDA band.

"How many passed with a score over 90?"

"Um..." He paused, sifting through the list. "60."

"Very well..." Josephine's fingers drummed on the table as she frowned in thought. Her golden eyes shimmered as her pupils expanded and contracted.

"We should just pick from the top ten, ma'am. There's far too many," one of the coaches suggested.

"We never should've let so many apply in the first place. I don't know why you disagreed on the limit," Josephine grumbled.

"We wanted to avoid accusations of-"

"Oh, please, they'll accuse us of everything in the Milky Way. I hardly care anymore." She connected her AIDA band to the table. "We will choose... at random. By choosing from the top ten, we will have to consult with the analysts and reevaluate the grades. I do not have the energy to go through that."

Lisa glanced at Benson, then interjected. "But, ma'am, shouldn't this last position go to someone who deserves it? After all, lots of the applicants worked hard."

"There is no guarantee this new student will join the team. This is merely an admission to the school."

"But that's a bit unfair." Lisa knew Josephine was very impulsive and quick to act when she was in a bad mood, but this was very irresponsible. However, the other employees didn't react much, as if it were normal. Did she always do this?

This wasn't the first time Lisa had gone through the admissions process as a faculty member, but this was the first time she was in the decision room. During the last process, she wasn't called to the decision room even though she had judged the other students.

She thought it was because she was recently hired, but now she realized... maybe Josephine was avoiding her that day.

"Lisa, we don't have time for the analysts. By the time they respond to us, it'll be next week. We need a decision now. It's already late."

Lisa glanced again at Benson, who shrugged. She pushed down the feeling of guilt and discomfort.

"I just want to get this over with. Whoever is selected will be accepted into the academy," Josephine sighed. "In fact, if you see anyone you particularly like, reach out and tap it. I will not contest." Many of the members stiffened at her words.

She reached out and spun the selection of applicants. Everyone stared intensely as the blue wheel glowed, emitting a soft noise. They could just barely see the applicants' faces as they moved.

Benson suddenly stood and leaned over, tapping the wheel. Lisa froze as the human girl with long black hair and emerald eyes stared back, rosy skin shadowed with the blue glow of the computer. Beside her, it read 'Medley, Calista'.

The vision was fulfilled.

Josephine sighed, rolling her eyes at Benson, who coolly smiled. "There we have it. The journalists will like this." She stood. "I'm pleased this process is over. As long as no one has any objections—" she glared at the others, daring them to say a word— "I'll prepare the message for the girl to report back to the academy tomorrow. We have our work cut out for us." She glared at Benson as she left.

The administrators and professors shifted uneasily, hesitantly leaving the room. They obviously disagreed on letting this girl take the last spot, but it wasn't wise to provoke Ms. Chrisman when she wasn't in a good mood.

Lisa and Benson stayed behind, waiting until everybody left. "Unbelievable," she said.

"I didn't think that would work," Benson chuckled.

"Benson... I appreciate what you do to help my species, I really do. But... her? Why her?"

"She has potential. She has that... factor. You know, the one I see in fighters that ultimately make a great impact in the competition?"

"All of them have potential."

"Eh..." He shrugged. "Not all of them. Why are you so against this girl?"

"I'm not against her, I just think this spot should go to someone that deserves it," Lisa reasoned. "I don't want it to be wasted." That Ruhirian didn't have a complete vision. It was possible she was wrong. It was rare, but possible.

"And it won't. You should know by now that I always know what I am doing." He disabled his translator chip as he left, saying a Paeseoan phrase that Lisa understood. "Pali nebetem a thia."

'It takes a special set of eyes.'

Thoughts? Do you agree with Lisa or Benson?

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