Chapter 2

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Recommeneded song for chapter 2: Cage - Ballad of Worms

I woke up with a massive headache and a guilty conscience. What the hell did I do last night? How did last night even happen? Why would Lauren Jauregui talk to me? Let alone kiss me. The whole night seemed so surreal. The only reason I knew it wasn't a dream is because I was looking right at Lauren sleeping next to me; watching her chest go up and down as she breathed, looking at the curve of her lips, the arch in her brows. Lauren might be known as off-putting in the personality department, but no one could deny that she was flawless. I got up and walked over to the lake and sat down to watch the ducks. I was listening to music off of my phone when about 10 minutes later Lauren came and sat next to me. 

“Good morning.” She said smiling.


“So. Did you have fun last night?”

“I mean it was… different.”

“Whats wrong?” she asked. Concern in her voice but also another tone I couldn't put my finger on. Was it anger? 

“Nothing it was just a drastic change for me that’s all.”

“You seem like you didn't like it.”

“No I did.”

“Say it.” She demanded.


“Say you had fun.”

“I.. had fun.” I said, my voice showing a hint of confusion at her forcefulness.

“Good!” She said smiling. And just like that she went from dark and controlling to bubbly and funny. It was weird, but I brushed it off.

I shouldn't have. 

“Camila can I tell you something?” She asked, her green eyes looking like saucers. 

“Yea sure.”

“I really like you. I think you're a great girl.” She said drawing a circle on my thigh with her finger. “I think we could become really good friends if you keep hanging out with us. So do you want to?”

“Want to what?”

“Hang out with us.”

“Like today?” I asked.

“Yea today, but also just like… more often. Join our group.”

I didn't know what to say. I already had a group; Ally and Normani. Oh come on Mila don’t be silly, you're in high school. You can have friends in different groups. Don’t limit yourself. Its not like you're dropping Ally and Dinah. Its just people to hang out with when they're busy… which seems to be a lot these days. 

“Sure. I will.” I said with a small grin on my face.

Lauren’s beautiful smile widened. “I was hoping you would say that.” She took a piece of my hair and started twisting it. “So what do you want to do today?”

“You guys can come over I guess.”

Lauren looked at her sleeping friends and then back at me. “How bout just I come over.”

“Are you sure? I mean they're your friends arent th-“

“Eh, they can get annoying. Lets just go now before they wake up.”

And just like that me and Lauren were running out of the park trying to be unnoticed by her friends, we were afraid they were going to hear all the giggling we were doing but we got out unseen. Not much later we had arrived to my house, I opened the door and saw my mom on the couch reading a book. She looked up from her page to greet me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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