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Back at the Facility

The leaders sit at the table, staring at the plans in front of them. They have been working endless nights on the plans for moving into the city. Answering questions like what plants they would grow or what sorts of shelters they would build. Even with not knowing for sure any of the answers, they felt better knowing that they have a plan.

While no one spoke of it, they are all fearful for the eight. Fear of death and fear of failure. What would they do if they came back with bad news? The facility is over crowding quickly because they didn't put in place any population control rules. The founders had thought it to be cruel before, but now it is proving to be a poorly planned for mistake.

They can't grow enough food to pass out since the six floor is only so big. And that's without providing food for the eighth floor.

A loud bang is heard suddenly from the other side of the door causing all of the leaders to jump in shock.

"Was that a gunshot?" Alonzo asks, but no one can find the words to answer him. For several moments, nothing can be heard on the other side of the door. It makes them think that the guard shot a new criminal trying to pull something. But then the door is pulled open.

A man walks into the room, holding a gun in his hand. The giant eight rests on his neck and he makes all of the leaders raise their hands. Behind him, other level eights drag the leaders guards into the room.

"How'd you get in here?" Charlotte asks, her hands shake in fear.

"Tsk tsk. I'm asking the questions now, since I'm the one with the gun." The man says, a sly smile on his face.

"What do you want?" Charlotte asks another question, ignoring him.

"I want you to know where those people went."

"The eight?" Alonzo clarifies.

"Who else?"

"They went to the surface." Charlotte answers simply.

"So they really left? That was real?" He appears shocked, like he thought it was all somehow fake.

"Yes." Charlotte answers.

"You hear that boys? Looks like we're leaving today!" He yells, facing his men.

"You can't leave." Charlotte protests. That comment made the man angry.

"And why the hell not?"

"We need to wait for the eight to come back and tell us what's out there." She answers.

"Why would we need to do that, when we can look ourselves?" He questions, waving the gun around. It is then that Charlotte notices that these men didn't just have eight's on their neck, but also M's.

"There is nothing out there for you." Alonzo speaks out.

"There's nothing here for us and my floor wants to leave, so why don't you just show us the way out." The man says. The leaders all share a look, before simultaneously agreeing on what they need to do.

"Alright." Charlotte stands, ready to show them the way out. It's not like it mattered very much for some of the people on the eighth floor to leave. They don't contribute anything anyways.

"Well wait a second. Aren't you going to spread this courtesy to everyone else? I'm sure there are others who want to leave too."

"You're joking."

"Do I look like I'm joking. Do that projection thing and ask if anyone else wants to come." Charlotte looks down at the gun, trying to weigh her options.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

"Charlotte, Charlotte just do it." One of the leaders yells out, pleading.

"I can't do something that threatens to ruin everything that has been built here." She answers, growing confident in her decision.

"You want to rethink your choice?" The man waves around the gun some more, but Charlotte just gives him a stiff shake in her head.

"Wrong choice." He says before a single gunshot erupts through the whole room.

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