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David's POV

I woke up and I saw daisy and Ian sleeping. I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of them because they are so cute. Ian and I talked about adopting a child, Ian said we should. Good thing we two spare rooms. I want two girls named Jessica and Lizzie. We looked into this and they are already two months old. We get them in a week. I just sat here waiting for Ian to wake up. I was waiting for like an hour so I went to go play gta 4. I played for a while then I saw a sleepy Ian came out of our room. He kissed me then he had to go film a smosh video. I was going shopping to get stuff for when we get to take Lizzie and Jessica home. I fed daisy.I went to the store. I got a pink and white cribs for Jessica and Lizzie and got a pink rocking chair for Jessica and a white one for Lizzie. I got some toys and two high chairs for when they are older. I went to go get paint for Lizzie's and Jessica's room. I got pink and white paint for the rooms. Ian said he would get the strollers and the clothes for then because Ian said I have like no taste in clothes but he still finds me sexy.

Ian's POV ( short.)

I told David I would get the strollers for the two girls. David and I have been dating for like one month but we been friends for like years. I got some clothes, diapers,food,milk for the bottles. David wanted to name the girls Lizzie and Jessica. I walked out of the store and I felt someone lips on my lips but they weren't David's.

A/N I wrote this in my car on my trip.

The Time Of My Life- Iancorn (Going through Major editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin