Why so jealous Ian

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A/N THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS Listen to the song because it is good for Ian's POV and sorry for spelling. and the gif I have is because Ian and David in one of my chapetrs said they hated the dips.

David's POV

After Ian left, I went to the washroom and I looked at my wrist. Why? Why did I do that? I am going to the party, Ian dosen't hate me. But why did I do that. I looked around in my house to see if Mari left something to get rid of the redness on my wrist. I remeber when me and Mari lived tohether, we were happy then Mari broke up with me and went out with sohinki because Joven found out that he likes someone else. But Mari helped me out that i was gay but I do miss her but I want Ian more than her.

Ian's POV

After i left I was the reason he did that to him self. I went online and he posted on facebook and Mari liked it. It was the whole smosh games. Some reason I fell like Mari and david are slee.... IAN DON'T THINK THAT AND GET JEALOUS. Ok I am a little Jealous. I went to go do my hair and go get a nice outfit for David. I was wereing A white button up shirt and black jeans then Ant called me.

" hey Ant whats up?'

" Ian, Joven came over and we made out on my couch."

'Ant your gay."

"ya I got to go and get ready for the party. David is picking you up."


I am acting like a little fangirl here

David's POV

Mari came over and she kissed me and I let her becasue Ian probs Hate me and i am talking like a teen girl. Ian....God, I am kissing Mari. I throw her off of me. She said she should get going and I agree. I called Anthony. It ringed three time and then he picked up.

" Dude whats up?

"call Ian and tell him I am picking him up."

"David you could have waited at least five more mintures. Joven and I was making out.

"dude sorry.can you just call him for me."

:" sure dude."

"bye Anthony."

I got in my car and raced like a jet (A/N get it?) I got there and I saw Ian waiting for me and he ran up and kissed me.

God, even if we fight, he just so nice.

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