"...I wish you would start thinking things through before you run off somewhere. We've been dealing with this since we were kids. Even when you say you're from 'another world' and somehow know what will happen, that doesn't mean you're invincible." He then scanned your face once more to survey your reaction, his stress-rimmed eyes squinting slightly. "Unless you're hiding something else from me."

"No, I'm not. And... I-I don't mean that, Obito. You know what I'm talking about."

Obito understood what you were truly referring to, but fear and apprehension forced his mouth shut. He didn't know what to think. On the outside, he was calm, unresponsive, but you knew that he was hysteric on the inside – overwrought with what it meant to be a parent. Late nights staying awake soothing the distressed crying, having to watch out for them every minute of every day, but what Obito feared most was being responsible for being his child's role model.

Being a parent meant teaching his kids everything – how to dress, how to act, perhaps in this case it meant teaching them how to be a formidable shinobi as well. Obito's mind leaped with both fear and exhilaration at the idea. To pass down one's knowledge to their successor to become an even stronger generation than the one before them – that doesn't sound so bad, Obito pondered. It meant that he would be their personal sensei – an idea that pulled an anxiety-ridden chuckle out of him. 

Then again, did he truly want his kid to become a ninja in the first place? Being a protector of the village was incredibly dangerous. He didn't know if he could knowingly put his kid in danger like that.

But with Uchiha in their blood, that would put their skills at an advantage, right? But will they even have their Sharingan? Heh... maybe I'm looking too far ahead here.

Either way, he accepted the responsibility of a child even when he was so close to his ultimate goal of becoming Hokage. Such a steep change of plans would surely alter the chance of him receiving the ultimate responsibility of watching over the village. You knew this.

"I'm sorry..." you muttered under your breath. You weren't sure if you were sorrier about running off against his wishes, or for the unexpected addition that will soon be occupying Obito's home.

He watched your reaction as your exhausted eyes fastened their sight to the ground with a grave expression, full to the brim with accountability. Traces of soot still masked bits of your face, which told him of the struggle to escape the labyrinth, and your desperate attempts to take Tobi with you. It took every ounce of your willpower not to break down in sobs upon retelling the events, but that didn't stop a steady flow of tears from rolling down your cheeks and mixing with the ashy residue as it blended within your teardrops before dripping to the pavement below, marking the spots a faint grey wherever they landed.

"...No," he replied softly. "I'm the one who should be sorry."

Tired eyes lifted to search Obito's after his surprise response. You knew that on the very rare times Obito apologized, he meant it.

"I know you're a capable shinobi, even if you don't always think so. I should spend less time worrying about you and have more faith in you. You've protected me more times than I can count. It's only fair. But Rin is probably right. We should try to take it easy from here on out, for the sake of-" he finished while attempting to scan his eyes over your stomach but quickly darted them away while blushing. He wasn't quite ready to openly acknowledge it yet.

Still, you wondered about Obito. Throughout your entire shinobi career, your focus was entirely on his wellbeing, and eventually your protectiveness began to extend to others, so much so that you readily disregard your own safety – perhaps too much.

Rewriting History (Obito x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now