Chapter 6- Hacking the App

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Pink glowed all around Calista. Text appeared before her eyes, intermittently changing to different Earth languages.

"What language do you prefer? Please note that if you are unfamiliar with any Earthian language, you must submit a language test to qualify. You must be an Earthian citizen and a US citizen to enter the scholarship."

"Earthian American English," Calista's voice rang.

"Do you speak any other Earth language?"

"Just a bit of French."

"Please state your full name and ID code."

"Calista Elise Medley. ID 327CEL2331."

"I thought your sister fluently spoke other languages?" Temmen inquired.

"Alien languages, not Earth languages. She only took, like, two French classes."

"Huh. Which languages does she speak, then?"

"Um... some Martian languages— not yours, though. One Mercurian. And one Hajjian."

Scaaskal nodded. "Impressive."

"When is your birthday?"

"January 19th, 2332."

"What is your marital status?"


Catalina scoffed. Calista was quite the flirt, but she had only been in one relationship, which ended on a sour note after he left her for someone 'better' than a 'cheap Socializer'.

"Single, huh?" Temmen grinned.

"Don't even think about it."

"Why not?"

"Because you're an idiot," said Jaylo, his eyes never leaving his Pet screen.

"Shut up."

They waited through the rest of Calista's application: her address, her emergency contacts, her family information. Catalina's eyes glanced continuously at the blinking light, her heart pounding with anxiety.

"Please provide a personal statement on why you deserve the Appleman Scholarship to the New York Women's School of Social Arts."

For a while, Calista was silent. Catalina bit her lip, glancing at the timer. She only had three minutes until her hack would be detected. "Get ready, you guys," she warned her friends. They got into position to clear their digital fingerprints if they needed to flee.

"Ms. Medley, are you still there?"


"Would you like me to repeat the question?"

"No, I'm okay. Um... I want this because... because I want to be a role model. I want to show what I can do. I want to work for something great, something amazing, something my planet and country can remember. That everyone can remember. As a Socializer, I will spread positivity to all parts of the Utopia. I will inspire others to show off their talents and use them for great causes. I know humans are underrated, but I want to be living proof that the stereotypes aren't true. We're more than this. We can do more than just smile and look pretty. We can change... so many lives in such a positive way, and I want to be that person."

Catalina gazed at her sister. She hadn't expected that kind of statement at all. There were some flaws, but with the NYWS's low enrollment, they probably wouldn't care. They needed students now more than ever.

"End statement," Calista said.

"Statement recorded. Your application is complete. Please keep track of your AIDA messages and await the alert for the next stage of the admission process."

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