Chapter 2- Vision

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's true. I know you don't like them. No one likes them." Catalina scooted closer, leaning her head on her sister's shoulder. "You used to admire Lisa White so much. You wanted to be just like her. She was all you talked about."

"I was a kid. People change."

"I just wish you gave it another chance. You gave up so easily."

"I just saw that the fighting thing wasn't for me. I figured I'd give up before I hurt myself more." She huffed. "HARP, restart the episode. I got interrupted."

"Cali, I was just trying to-"

"I know. But it's not gonna do anything, so just go, okay?"

Catalina gazed at her sister and sighed, standing and leaving the HARP bubble. A few moments later, she heard Calista squealing, probably fangirling over the handsome Prince Rainer. She scoffed. Those actors weren't even real people. Obviously, they would be perfect.

She missed old Calista. She missed the sister that played in the ImaginationStation every day, conjuring up scenarios of her winning the Versus Games. She missed the sister that was so confident, never minding so much about the way she looked or dressed. She missed when she wasn't so insecure about herself.

The path she was going down was a dead end. That little SociaLights channel would never grow to be as huge as most celebrities' channels on Earth. Not with the horribly unlikable personality those girls had. Catalina liked Elizabeth the most; she was sweet. But Danica and Rebecca were just ridiculous wannabes that constantly put ideas into Calista's head— to them, she wasn't 'pretty' enough, or 'thin' enough.

Why did Calista value their opinions, anyway? She didn't even really like them.

It was hopeless. It seemed that her 'last resort' would have to be put to use after all.


Lisa White blew her blond bangs out of her face, scrolling through the many applicants vying for a spot in the Versus school. Many looked promising; others, not so much. A very small percentage of humans would make the cut.

Being Dean would only get her so far. With President Chrisman being as authoritative as she was, it was unlikely that she'd follow her advice. She already disliked her solely because of her species.

Lisa knew what she was doing was wrong, but if she could find a way... maybe. It wasn't right, having Earth represented by so many non-Earthians that believed themselves superior. What right did they have? Earth needed its own children to become its pride and joy. There were plenty of capable humans that didn't fit the stereotype they were forced into.

It wouldn't be cheating, technically. Ruhirian visions always came true one way or another. She was just looking ahead. If the Ruhirian saw something, then that 'something' would be completed regardless if Lisa knew about it.

She restlessly scanned the diner, double-checking her Mask one more time to ensure her identity was completely concealed from the other patrons. After all, she was quite the famous face. Her amber eyes finally locked on an approaching woman, her face shaded under a black cloak.

Her palms instantly began sweating. To the outside world, the Dark Horse had nerves of steel. That was the second choice for her call sign; Lisa 'Steel Nerves' White. But the truth was that most of the time, she was a wreck.

She'd never met a Ruhirian in her life. It was rare to find one on Earth; they were quite the minority. Their planet was very far. A people of ocean-blue skin with glassy black marbles for eyes and a concealed third eye in their forehead; their vision eye. The eye that would let them look forward in time, that would only open when they received a vision. The mere thought made Lisa shudder inwardly.

The woman sat across her, her face still concealed. Lisa could only see her blue chin. She checked her Mask one more time before speaking. "It's nice to see you again," she said.

"Likewise," the woman replied. "I just finished the interview."

"Good. Was it promising?"

"I'd say so." The woman ordered a drink on the diner's AIDA, which was instantly generated in front of her. She sipped briefly, then continued. "I'm not completely sure whether she will make much of an... impact on the company, but it does seem she will go far. She has a lot of potential."

"Who is she?"

"She's an Earthian. A young one, just beginning her womanhood." The woman sipped again. "Very pretty, very determined. She's a bit vain, however. Very concerned about her appearance." She laughed lightly. "Ironic, considering the line of work she'll be in. But she is willing to face discomfort and all sorts of obstacles. She must be, if she's as promising as she seems. I feel that she will benefit our company. I'm not sure if she would be the one to acquire that alliance for us, but either way, look out for her and let me know what you think."

"Do you have a name?" Lisa asked quietly. "Appearance?"

"It's as if she's been training to be the next Miss Milky Way. I'm afraid her name is unknown. It was a very short... sort of muddled conversation. Her signal wasn't great."

"I see." Lisa kneaded her hands together, itching to finish their little meeting. "When can I expect her?"

"In about three weeks."

Lisa nearly stood. "What? But... the hiring period's over by then. It's ending in one week, so... this is for... next period, right?"

"No, it's this coming month." The woman sipped again, casually.

"But... we won't have the room in our company."

"You will somehow. I'll let you know if I find any solutions." The Ruhirian woman stood. "Now... I have another appointment. It was nice talking to you. Let me know when you have a chance to contact the girl. I'll send you her profile."

Lisa stayed in her seat, dumbstruck. This 'mystery student' couldn't possibly enter Fistborn in three weeks. By then, their freshman class would already be chosen and no one else would be accepted into the program.

And this girl honestly didn't sound like a fighter. An appearance of a beauty queen? The next Miss Milky Way?

Her Pet beeped with a message. She discreetly opened it, the screen shaded so only she could make out the image. It was quite blurry, being a projection of the woman's vision, but she could make out the girl's face. A pretty one; bright green eyes and long black hair. She wore Fistborn's combat suit and stood in the middle of a battle map. She had her leg up in a graceful kick, but it almost looked like she was pirouetting rather than kicking.

Lisa stared at the image, boring the girl's likeness in her head before the picture deleted itself.

Well, at least she knew there would be a human improving her species' reputation. She just had to hope that the Ruhirian's vision was as positive as it looked.

Thoughts? What do you think Catalina's 'last resort' is? Do you think the vision about Calista is as positive as it looks?

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