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Dear Papa,

I have decided to go to school tomorrow. It's actually 1:24am and Noah is sleeping in my bed at the moment. IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! Haha. But I am scared to come back. What is they bully me again? What is Veronica finds out that I am the Moon Goddess' son?

When mom came home a 'Ichchhadhari tag' attacked us and apparently they are venomous. They turn into people to trick you then they prey on you for fun. He had his friends upstairs to personally attack me (they were snakes) while the Ichchhadhari attacks mom. It was terrifying because we didn't even notice him, he looked exactly like Noah.

I have been really sad after you passed. I haven't been to school for a very long time. So Noah and his friends decided to come round. I looked like a mess haha. Noah slept round that night then woke me very early. Then we went out and it was the most fun I had in age.

Sorry that's it is a short letter but nothing really happened to be honest and I don't want to burden you about how much I miss you.

I love you dad,
Love, Mathias.

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