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I had P.E today... sadly. While I was getting changed, I saw people laughing and pointing at my massive scar on my stomach. I had a terrible fall, and somehow survived but I sliced half of my torso. It was so traumatic. I was ignoring them, then I heard a wolf-like growl next to me, at the lockers. I looked up quickly, to have a small glimpse. It was the mystery boy, that sat next to me in R.E. That was weird.

At the gym, we were playing dodgeball and I was normally the ones that is in the corner and just stand there. I was dodging the balls from the opposing team but then I got hit in the face from the same team I was in. The whole room fills with laughter. I ran out, to the changing rooms and sat on the benches, trying to collect myself together, to go back out. I heard footsteps coming towards me. The mystery boy shows up around the corner of the lockers. For some odd reason, I feel relieved. I don't know him, not even his name but he makes me feel brave, like I could fight some MMA fighter and not get hurt. It was a weird feeling, considering I haven't felt that way for a very long time.

"Hey." He said softly. "Are you okay?" He sat on same bench and gently placed his hand on my lower back. I shook my head.

I am really not okay, all of the drama at home and then the bullying at school. I would like to pretend that I am okay but deep inside my messed up brain, I am broken...

"What's your name?" Spoke the boy.
"Mathias. Mathias Lee." I replied. "And yours?"
"Noah Rowe." He smiled and I nodded.
"Uh, So Mathias? Do you want to come round mine after school?" Noah asked.
"I have homework to do." I say. Really I just want to see that dog again.
"We can do homework together?" Wow, he's so desperate.
"Okay, I'll come. Thank you." I forced a small smile at him. Once he noticed that smile, he had a massive on plastered on himself.

We were waiting outside the gym for the bell to ring for the weekends.
"Hey Noah, come here! You don't want to catch diseases from that weirdo." A boy said from afar. I hung my head low again.
"Don't talk about him like that!" He shouted through his teeth.
"Are you friends with that or something?" The boy asked. I heard silence, Noah was probably ignoring him. I then heard the bell rang. Thank the lord! I sort of want to go home but I already made plans.

I walked into this massive log house, it had loads of other people in it, and i means loads. If you ask me? I am quite confused.
"Wanna go to my room for some peace and quiet? So we can do our homework." Noah said. I nodded and followed him upstairs.

His room had dark wooden floors and light blue walls, there was a metal bed, a deck, a beanbag and a bookcase. It had a few pictures of family and friends around the room but over his bed there was a massive group photo and you recognised some of them when I walked into this house? Mansion? Log cabin? Noah was in the middle, next to I'm guessing his parents.
"So what should we start on?" I spoke, turning my attention from the photos to Noah.
"Should we do maths first?" He replied. Not my personal favourite but I nodded as I took out my book out of my bag.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" Noah asked. I shook my head.
"No I have to go home. I need to see someone. Thank you though." I said and he nodded to say 'Okay' and smiled.

I left the house and started to walk into the forest again. I have chosen a tree, sat down and decided to read a book.

Then I felt a lick in my hand as I flip the page.
"Hello again!" I say, excited. "Sorry I was late, I was at someone's house." I sat and the dog tilted his head. "He is very nice and his name is Noah Rowe." "He sticks up for me, when people are insulting towards me. I am starting to like him as a friend. Why am you talking to you, like you are my therapist?" I laughed at myself. The dog stood up and licked my face. I giggled at the contact and moved away.

"I think I should make friends with Noah, but I don't know because I don't trust anyone at my school. He is probably being kind now, just to humiliate me later." I hung my head low as the negative thoughts starts the fill my head. He whimpered and sat in my lap.

It's weird because I feel brave again. It's the same feeling I had with Noah. Maybe it is Noah... nah, werewolves aren't real.

"Hey." I spoke. He looked up at me from my legs and his ears perked upwards. "Are you a wolf?" I say. He probably won't understand me, but it's worth the chance. He walked out of my lap and puffed out his chest. He then unpredictably, howled. Well yes is the clear answer. Wait, there are some dog breeds that can howl, like huskies but they are extremely close to wolves.

"Wait... is that a yes?" I asked, very shocked and a little nervous. For the past few days; I've been seeing a wolf, thinking it was a dog. Oh my goodness! He was the wolf that dad was telling me about. The one I was about to take home with me. His head nodded, like he knew what I meant.

"It's a Secret"  ~BoyxBoy~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें