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I went to school that day and saw Noah waiting at the school gates, he was staring intensely at me. He was probably looking behind me, I'm not important to him. I walked past him and he just stayed there. I'm guessing my theory was true.

I went to the lockers and then I got a full-on hard punch on my jaw.
"Why are you so ugly? I don't even want to look at you! You are just so gross, especially now that I found out that you are gay. Uggh, you just can't stop!" This girl called Veronica spat. She then kneeled me to my chest and winded me. I then got pushed into the lockers. I don't even know if I am gay or not.

I was doing nothing. I just let her, I just let her hurt me. I know that I have the choice to fight her back but I am respectful and I don't hit people.
"Are you not going to fight be back, huh?" She shouted in my face as she punches it. I just stood there, frozen, unable to talk, unable to move. Just leading her on. I couldn't help to let my tears cry once the pain start coming.
"Awwe, now you are crying, you whimp." I saw loads of people crowding me. She was about to punch my again so I swinted my eyes closed for the impact... it never came.

Noah's P.O.V.

I watched Mathias walk past. I knew he was hoping that I was waiting for him but my dad (The Alpha) said that I have to wait for my two betas, I have to follow his commandments because One: he is my dad and Two: he is the big boss man of the pack. I saw Christopher and Elizabeth in the corner is my eye and Lizzie was about to pounce on me, I quickly moved and she fell to the ground. Me and Chris started to laugh.
"Nice to see you again, little bro. Haven't seen you at all since you found your mate. When can we meet her?" Christopher spoke, helping Lizzie up.
"Well it's sort of a he." I sheepishly smiled, hoping they won't be negative about it.
"Oh okay, when can we meet him." Lizzy says, giving me a wink and smiled.
"He goes to this school."
"NO WAY!" Lizzy shouted whilst jumping up and down, causing a few odd looks here and there.

All of the sudden, I get a massive urge to leave my friends and to walk. To walk wherever this urge took me. And that's what it did.

Help him
Help who?
He needs help

I went around corners, hallways but at this specific hallway, there was a big fight and I mean a big fight, there was a massive crowd and I smelt blood. Wait... that's Mathias blood!

I ran over and pushed people out of the way to go into the middle. I watched  as Veronica was about the punch Mathias in the face. He already had a swollen cheek, a cut lip and bruises on his jaw. He was crying, with tears down his face and was shaking with fear. When Veronica lifted her fist up, Mathias squeezed his eyes shut, ready for the impact. I shoved her in to the ground and she shows her very large fangs at me and hissed.
"He's your mate, isn't he?" She whispered, making sure nobody heard. I growled at her.
"I can already taste his blood in my mouth. Hmmm, metallic, sweet blood."
"Don't even touch him." I say in a deep voice but also quiet, and she just laughed at me.
"Why are wolves so protective over their mates? They are just useless people, that are submissive and weak! But in his eyes the boy... I saw a different person. He is in his own world. He might be a supernatural... like us. Hmm, supernatural blood is so much better than humans." I quietly did an Alpha growl and she scuttled away because she knows that I could kill her at ease.

Back to Mathias' P.O.V.

I slid down at the lockers covering my face, as I cry. I just kept my eyes shut, then I felt a gentle hand in my knees.
"Alright the fight is over! Go away!" I heard Noah shout at the crowd.
"Can I look at your face?" He asked softly, I shook my head. I am an ugly crier.
"Mathias... I won't judge. I want to be your friend." I looked up confused. He was sitting next to me, with his legs spreaded out.
"Why would you what to be friend with... this?" I pointedly myself as I asked in disbelief. I watched these two people walk towards me. Oh no, they are going to hurt me.

The boy was tall, about 6ft5. He had raven black hair, fair skin and he has an athletic body shape. The girl was also tall, 5ft6, I would say. She had light brown almost blonde hair, tanned skin and an athletic body like the boy. They look alike, like they are sibling and they don't look familiar, I think they might be new.

"Are they going to hurt me?" I asked, turning my head towards Noah and he was smiling brightly at them, I looked at them again. They seemed nice, I hope they are...
"So Mathias Lee, meet Elizabeth and Christopher Miller." Noah says introducing us.
"So, you are the famous Mathias." Elizabeth said. To be honest, that made me quite uncomfortable. The way she looked at me was like she was approving me, it was awkward.
"Y-Yes I am." I stuttered, nervously.
"Haha, you don't have to be nervous of me. I am friendly."
"Thank you Elizabeth." I say.
"Call me, Lizzy."
"And me, Chris." He butted in.
"What year are you in?" I asked with curiosity because they had badges and no uniform.
"We are both 6th formers." Chris said.
"Are you twins or-" I asked politely.
"Yes we are."

For the rest of the day, it was okay. I made three friends on the same day, I couldn't stop smiling when I got home.
"Why are you so giddy today?" My father asked.
"I have made some new friends today." I say and my dad smiled.
"I am happy about that."

I went to bed that day, smiling. I had a good day at school, except the fight, and I had a walk in the forest, the wolf wasn't there, but I am guessing it was busy doing wolfie things, it was calming though.

I felt a presence watching me or listening to me or something, outside. I opened my curtains and had a peak. There were six eyes staring right at me, there was two grey wolves either side of a black wolf. I had a huge urge to go outside and check it out and that's exactly what I did.

I went outside and walked across the road to the forest. The black wolf started to wag his tail and jumping. I smiled, it was my friend.
"Hello, it's nice to see you again." I say excitingly, stroking his fur. "I see you have brought your friends. Are they friendly?" I respected their distance. One: they could easily kill me, and Two: it's a wild animal. The black wolf barked. I looked towards the grey wolves and the smallest out of them, cautiously walked up to me, sniffing the air.
"I'm not going to hurt you." I say and moved my hand closer to the wolf, it flinched but after it sniffed my hand and started to lick it.

"See I'm not that bad." I say softly as I stroke it's head. "Can I stroke you?" I asked the bigger grey wild. He casually trotted towards me and jumped on me. I giggled at how random that was, but I stroked its whole torso as it licks all of my face. It was weird because he knew exactly what I just said and did it.

I fell asleep and dreamt about the wolves. I still felt their presence when I slept, but it made me feel protected. I felt safe and calm, when they are around.

"It's a Secret"  ~BoyxBoy~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon