39 - Celebrate the best moments

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It was getting late a night.
Aditya was working on his game design in the bedroom. He was totally focused.
Zoya was very bored at home.
She wanted Aditya's attention for atleast a second.
"Aditya" Zoya called.
Aditya just hummed in reply.
Zoya didn't disturb him for a while.
She went and ate something while he was working.
Zoya made omelette for herself.
When she went back to the room, Aditya was still working.
How was he working tirelessly?

After a while, Aditya stretched. He was done with 95 percent of his work.
"Are you done?" Zoya asked.
"Yeah mostly." Aditya said.
Zoya was happy, "So shall w-" Zoya started.
"I have a bit more to do." Aditya said and went back to his computer.
"Ah, Game designers are boring." Zoya said.
Aditya looked at her shocked.
"What do you want to do?" Aditya asked.
Zoya smiled and went closer to him.
She sat on his lap, Facing him.
Aditya kept looking at her.
"This" Zoya said and went closer.
Aditya held her tightly from falling.
They kissed Eachother.
Zoya pulled him closer by holding his neck.
This time, It didn't end with a kiss.
Aditya slowly moved to her chin and towards her jawline.
He gave her pecks in all parts of her jawline.
He moved further down to her neck.
Zoya let out a whimper.
He kissed the side of her neck.
His face buried in her hair.
Zoya held his hair.
Aditya sucked her neck lightly.

Ding Dong!
The door bell rang.
Aditya and Zoya released Eachother.
Zoya got off of him and went to open the door.
"Hello!" So Joon and Si Hye said cheerfully.
Zoya noticed that Si Hye's face was slightly red and a bit swollen.
"Hi" Zoya said and they came in.
The went in and admired the house.
"It's so pretty!" Si Hye said.
"Thank you." Aditya said as he came to.
They looked through the house and gave compliments for each square inch.

"How are you both here?" Zoya asked.
Aditya smiled.
So Joon and Si Hye looked at Eachother.
"Well, Zoya-ssi." Si Hye started.
Si Hye went closer to Zoya and showed her the ring So Joon had given her.
Zoya's eyes widened.
"We are getting married soon!" Si Hye said happily.
"OMG no way!" Zoya was shocked.
"Yes!" So Joon said.
"No!" Zoya said, Again being shocked.
So Joon and Si Hye were confused.
"Your being honest?" So Joon asked.
"No" Zoya said.
They were just confused.
"Well, Zoya is really shocked now so she needs some time to take all the information inside." Aditya said.
"OMG Si Hye! " Zoya said and hugged her tightly.
"Oh my baby, When did you grow?" Zoya said, Muffled voice.
"Why are you talking like my mom?" Si Hye asked.
"Because I am, I've seen you become better." Zoya said.
So Joon cleared his throat for attention.
"I got the ring" So Joon said.
"Aw my puppy" Zoya said and hugged him too.

"Everything is perfect." Zoya said.
"Yes" Aditya agreed.
They all celebrated the big step of so Joon and Si Hye.
They cooked and ate together and since it was getting late, They went back home.
Aditya and Zoya were tired of celebrating so they went off to the bed.
"So Joon and Si Hye have confessed to Eachother. And now we are happy." Zoya said.
"Yes." Aditya replied.
"Everything has just fallen knit it's place."
"Yes but I think we could be even happier." Aditya said and turned to her.
Aditya pulled her closer by her waist.
"Want to continue from where we left off?" Aditya asked with a smile.
Zoya blushed slight and pushed him away.
"No, Let's sleep." Zoya said.
"Together?" Aditya asked.
Zoya turned to him.
"What to test if couch is a good place to sleep in?" Zoya asked.
"I'm fine" Aditya said and tried to sleep.
Zoya smiled.

The next day, Aditya and Zoya got ready and went to office.
They did not get any free time to talk to each other.
Zoya kept attending meetings and Aditya kept working with the main designer.
They thought that they could meet during break or lunch but the CEO came to office and he wanted a company lunch.
Their managers kept them away from Eachother.
By the evening, Aditya tried to pick Zoya up but So Joon informed him that she had extra work.
Aditya went home by himself.
The house felt empty without Zoya for Aditya.
Aditya started watching TV to pass the time.

After an hours or so, Zoya returned home. She looked tired.
"Hi" Aditya said.
"Hello!" Zoya said with a smiling face, Her face glowed after looking at Aditya.
Zoya went and freshened up.
Aditya cooked her dinner.
They sat to eat together.
Aditya seemed to be thinking about something the entire time.
"Aditya, Do you want to tell something?" Zoya asked.
Aditya swallowed a bit nervously.
He held Zoya's hand.
"Actually, Zoya." Aditya started.
Zoya got nervous.
Why was he being too serious?
"I have to go to a different place for a week because of work." Aditya said.
Zoya let out a sigh.
That was a relief.
Zoya thought it was something more serious.
"Zoya I'm really sor-"
"That's actually great!" Zoya said, Interrupting Aditya.
Zoya looked at her surprised.
"You get to see new place and learn more!" Zoya said.
"Are you okay with it?" Aditya asked, Worried.
"Yeah, It's just for a week." Zoya said.
Aditya tought for a while.
Zoya noticed it and brushed his hair.
"Don't over think." Zoya said, Smiling.

Okay, I feel the story is going well and let me know how you feel about the story too!
For the next few weeks I'll be halls busy (Exams again) I wouldn't be super active as these exams are actually important but I'll try my best to post soon and reply.
And You all, Stay happy and healthy.
Love yourself!
Hakuna Matata!!

Please comment and vote!! 
Namjoon is the best soul I've come across and I'm not exaggerating.
K I'll stop here otherwise this chapter will become my mini diary.


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