34 - Epiphany

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Aditya was highly embarrassed of himself as soon as he remembered what he had done the previous night while he was unconscious.
It was hard for him to face Zoya.
Aditya was so worried about it.
Yash advised him to confess to Zoya, Maybe that wouldn't make things worse.

Aditya hid some of his fear and walked upright to the office.
"Good morning Aditya." So Joon greeted with a smile.
"Good morning."
"Aditya-ssi, Should I use formal language with you? Because... I don't know, I want to be friends with you." So Joon said.
"No it's fine, You can be casual."
"Okay Aditya!"
They walked together towards the office.
Zoya caught them talking and walking together from far.
She was shook by it, The guy who was jealous and drunk was happily talking the next morning. That was something strange.

"Aditya-ssi." So Joon Became a bit more serious.
"Hmm?" Aditya asked.
"Well, I know it's bad to ask but did you and Zoya-ssi talk yesterday?" So Joon asked.
Aditya slightly put his head down and relived that depressing moment.
Aditya nodded.
"Really? " So Joon asked happily.
Aditya didn't expect that reaction. Aditya was confused.
"Actually, Aditya-ssi. Noona was very depressed and confused about her feelings for you. She was afraid of hurting herself again. That's why I was with her trying to calm her down."
So Joon explained.
Everything made sense for Aditya.
He realized how foolish he was.
"It's good that you both made it up yeste-" So Joon started.
"Actually, So Joon. We didn't really sort out things yesterday. But made it worse instead."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Don't take it as an offence but I thought you two were together and I kinda went negative."
"Oh, Oh my God! You thought We were together? How Aditya-ssi? Why wou-"
"you know, I was very.. "
"Yeah I get it but seriously, Zoya is meant only for you Aditya-ssi."
Aditya blushed a little.
He was relieved that Zoya wasn't in a relationship.
"Chill Aditya-ssi." So Joon patted his back.
"But So Joon, You aren't in any relationship? You don't like anyone?" Aditya asked.
So Joon's ears lightly turned pink thinking about everything.
He did like someone.
"Well I do but... "
"But? Does she?"
"I don't know. I don't know if she likes me romantically."
"Did you try asking her? "
"I have tried to but something kept... "
Through this conversation, They became closer and all the misunderstandings vanished.

"Zoya-ssi!" So Joon called.
Zoya turned to look.
So Joon packed his stuff on time to go back home. So Joon mostly always stayed a little longer to finish his work sooner but that day he wanted to go early.
"I'm leaving, Are you coming?" So Joon asked. Zoya didn't complete her work so she told him to leave first.
It was strange though.
While So Joon was leaving, Aditya smiled at him and Joon did too.
Zoya was amused by them, The last night Aditya was totally jealous of him and today they are greeting Eachother as if nothing had happened.
"Hello Zoya" Aditya said and went past her.
So Joon pulled Si Hye along with him

It was going to be 10 at night. Zoya was still working in the lonely office.
Zoya was really tired to do more work so she left everything and started from office.
She went to her car and put her things inside.
"Zoya" A voice called her from behind.
It was Aditya.
"Do you want to have a small walk?" Aditya asked.
" With me."

"Ahem.. Here? " Zoya asked.
"Yes" Aditya said.
"A playground? Why?" Zoya asked of curiosity.
Aditya just slid his hand into hers and pulled her gently.
Zoya didn't ask anything to him after that warm touch.
Zoya though that he was taking her to the benches but no.
He took her to the swings.
Zoya didn't want to swing but Aditya made her sit there anyway.
He sat in the swing next to hers.
They started to move back and forth automatically.
Zoya didn't tell a word, Everything was just right somehow that time.
"I wanted to be alone with you" Aditya confessed shyly and looked up at the sky.
"Is anything bothering you? " Zoya asked him.
"Yes" Aditya replied immediately.
Zoya was worried at his reply.
"What is it? " Zoya asked curiously.
"You" Aditya said and chuckled.
"You scared me." Zoya said. Aditya laughed.
Zoya smiled and started to swing a little softer.
Suddenly, Aditya pulled Zoya towards him by the ropes.
"Sit with me" He whispered in her ear.
He signalled her to sit on his lap, While on the swing.
"We will fall" Zoya said but Aditya didn't mind her words, He wanted her to sit on his lap.
Zoya got off of the swing and slowly adjusted herself on his lap and between the ropes.
She sat and rested her hands on his shoulders.
Aditya kept looking at her with his hazel eyes, His eyes never went from her face, Which glowed brighter due to the moonlight.
"What?" Zoya asked.
"You look beautiful." He replied. He started playing with her hair.
"Really?" Zoya asked.
"Then just say I'm handsome too, And finish it here" Aditya said, Controlling his laugh.
Zoya hit his shoulder.
They were going to fall for a second but they got the balance.
Aditya slowly pulled Zoya closer to him by her waist.
"I Don't want you to fall" Aditya said when she was looking at him.
"Zoya.. " Aditya started, He became serious all of a sudden.
"I'm sorry." Aditya said.
"For what?" Zoya asked.
"For.. Last night I was kind of drunk and wasn't able to think about anything clearly. I shouldn't have thought about So Joon and you in that way. It was my fault." Aditya said.
"It's fine. It's good that you understood now." Zoya said.
Aditya had expected for some Scoldings but was surprised by her answer.
"So, To apologize I got you here. To a playground.. I thought this place would be a good place to forgive your boy." Aditya said smiling.
Zoya raised an eyebrow.
She sat on Aditya facing him by putting both of her legs on each side.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, He wrapped his arms around her waist. Close enough to look at Eachother clearly.
Aditya looked at her having a smile across his face.
Zoya smiled and said.
"You are really a 5 year old kid. Pooja wasn't wrong."
"Can you kiss your 5 year old kid? " Aditya asked.
"You are a bad kid. I don't like bad kids." Zoya said.
"You don't have to. You have only me." Aditya said and smirked.
Without having anything to say to Aditya, Because he was aldredy good with words, Zoya gave up and kissed him softly in his lips.
He immediately kissed her back.

I honestly love how this chapter came out. I have plenty of work to complete but here I am, Just passing my time doing something entirely different.
Thank you so much for reading.
Please feel free to comment and tell me your opinions about the story.
Let me know if I could improve it or anything. I will read them all.
Stay healthy and happy. Love yourself!
Hakuna Matata.

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