18- 'If I'm hurt, will I hurt others too?'

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"Is everything set?" Aditya asked.
"Yes, But will it work?" Mona asked him.
"We don't know, It'll confirm it." Arjun said, While arranging the things.
"I can't believe that you forgot her name." Mona stomped her feet.
"He has amnesia you know." Arjun said.
"It's not that I forgot it, But look I had a strong feeling that it would be her but wasn't sure about it since she changed alot."
"Yeah right."
"And wouldn't it be awkward if I randomly go to her and say 'Hey I'm your lost boyfriend from a million years ago'. More than her, I'll be embarrassed if it wasn't exactly her."
"That's exactly what you guys did to me now."
Arjun and Aditya looked at eachother.
"But you remained the same"
"Moti" They said and burst out laughing.
"God save me from these crackheads" Mona mumbled to herself.

Zoya was getting ready for the batch reunion. Mona promised that she'll pick Zoya up.
But Zoya hesitated.
Was she going to meet him.
She also had a feeling that Aditya would be him, But wasn't sure about it.
She was afraid.
"Don't be scared." Noor said from behind.
Her voice was very calming.
Zoya shook her head.
Noor hugged her from behind and rested her chin on her shoulder.
"I know about you." Noor said.
"But I don't know what to do." Zoya said and went away from her.
"I don't know how to face him after all those incidents. If it is Aditya then I'm surely screwed." Zoya was worried.
"Do you seriously think that he is behind all of the problems?"
"Not literally but his parents caused it, What if he harms me too? I've been running away from my life for a long time but what if I fall into the trap?"
Zoya shot up.
"I don't want that to happen Again." Zoya said.
"But what if it's Aditya?" Noor asked.
Zoya paused.
"Don't you like him?"
"I don't know." Zoya said slowly.
"Come on, I can see you. Whenever you're next to him nowadays, You change."
Noor continued.
"You become your real you. The real Zoya. You are comfortable with him."
Zoya just listened.
Whatever Noor told was true.
"What else do you need other than comfort? "
"And what if that comfort was dangerous?"

"So Zoya will come here..." Mona started to say while going to Zoya's house.
"Yass" Aditya and Arjun nodded.
"I'll tell her that you came too."
"I'll pull her here"
"I'll tell it's him"
"Then you both talk."
"Ok..ay. " Mona said doubtedly.
"Isn't it lame?" Mona asked.
"That's the best we could come up with now." Arjun said
"Ring Ring you are going to be late." Aditya snatched the phone from Arjun and said. In seconds, Before Mona could talk Aditya cut the line.
*Somethings never change* Mona sighed.

Mona started the car. Zoya sat beside her.
Mona was nervous.
She didn't know how to start the conversation.
"Um..Z..O" She started.
Zoya turned to look at her.
"So how long have you been in Mumbai? " Mona finally asked.
"3 to 4 years." Zoya replied.
"Oh that's Great. Are you in touch with your other friends? "
"Not really."
"So.. I'm excited." Mona said out of the blue.
"Yeah me too. I'm going to meet everyone after years."
"So talking about that, Have you been in touch with Aditya?" Mona finally came to the point.
Zoya's eyes grew wide.
"Don't tell me that even you forgot his name."
"What do you mean, Mona?"
*Shit, I shouldn't have said that.* Mona said to herself.
"Well I meant that I forgot his name as well in the first place, But after going to all the old books I remembered."
Mona laughed nervously.
"Oh, So has he come? Zoya asked.
"Yeah..He said that he would be." Mona replied.
*God what do I do know.* Zoya thought.

"Is everything set?" Mona asked.
She made an excuse to use the washroom and called Arjun.
"Why do you always call me and not Aditya?" Arjun protested.
"Aditya rarely uses his phone." Mona replied.
Arjun took a deep breath of acceptance and continued.
"Yes everything is set." Arjun said.
"Great I'll get Zoya." Mona said and hung up.
She went out of the washroom to Zoya, Who seemed frustrated of waiting.
"What took you so long?" Zoya stomped.
"Sorry, Well some of my colleagues called me for work, It never stops." Mona made an excuse.
"Where are the others?" Zoya asked.
"They are coming, We'll go sooner " Mona said and pulled Zoya to the hall.

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