030. Struggling and Just Dance

Start from the beginning

"I'm definitely not playing with Nat again." Nat smiled before leaning over to Gemini, high-fiving her.

"Never, ever, allow Natasha to play Cards, and don't let Gemini play either. That girl'll leave you dead from laughter." Gemini smiled at Clint's point. She was proud of her dark humor.

"When you're raised with the family that we were raised with, Gemini's humor is understandable." Gemini nodded in agreement.

After a long time of arguing about the game to play Gemini groaned tiredly. This caught the attention of all. She lifted Becky from her lap and walked to the TV island, pulling something out. She placed it on the table and turned it on, along with the TV. She placed the disc in and handed out the remote to Tony before sitting back down. 

"I present to you, the end of all arguments. Just Dance." She thanked her sister for having every Just Dance game possible. Everyone decided to play the video game, beginning with Surfin' Bird from Just Dance 1.

Couches and coffee tables were moved, allowing room for what would inevitably be many messy dance moves and injuries. Gemini laughed as Tony and Antoinette stood, ready to defend their titles. 

Nate's eyes widened in realisation. "Gemini, are you sure this is a good idea with these two against each other?" Gemini shrugged at her brothers question.

"As long as they're not near each other whilst dancing and don't start arguing, yes." Nate nodded in agreement as the song began playing, Taury, Tony, Antoinette and Clint began dancing.

Gemini was laughing uncontrollably at the terrible dance moves by Clint and Taury, who were just messing around and trying to make the other fall over. Both the Tony's on the other hand, was a different story. Full out dance moves and war as the two battled for the crown of Surfin' Bird. When Antoinette won she cheered loudly, startling the many people that were not paying attention the competitive fight. Gemini and Becky were practically dying of laughter by this point.

Bucky smiled at the sight of the girls. He found it cute at how much Gemini looked after Becky, and how much Becky looked up to Gemini. It was another of many reasons as to why he liked her so much. He noticed Gemini looking at him, smiling back at him. She looked away as Becky began talking to her. She nodded, Bucky unable to see what they were talking about.

Becky must've said something that made the mood change in Gemini's body as she looked frantically around the room. Bucky was confused and slightly worried about the woman. She quickly kissed Becky's head before placing her down and standing up as the next Just Dance song began. She walked out the apartment doors which Bucky realised where slightly ajar already. He didn't know what was happening but he decided to push it away as Becky shook her head to him.

Gemini practically ran down the stairs, nearly tripping down some, as she reached the bottom she pulled out her phone and made her way to the bar. She opened the door only to see darkness, the only sound being the silent sobbing near the corner. Flicking the light on she came face to face with Theo, whisky bottle in hand and tears running down his face. His hair was mess - as if he'd been pulling at it - with a lost glint in his eyes. 

She let out a small gasp mixed with a cry as she quickly made her way over to him, taking the bottle from his hands and placing it on the other side of the table, out of reach of the man. She turned him to face her. "What happened?" Her suspicions were right, war had messed with Theo's mind - leaving him feeling fragile and broken. Gemini recognised the symptoms, similar to her own antics. 

He let out a sob before reminiscing on the nightmare that had been plaguing him for weeks. The memory of his friend he had met during war, the promise they'd made to come home together. He watched as the opposing side, shot his friend right in front of him, leaving his friend to slowly die in his arms as Theo tried to do everything he could to stop the bleeding - to prevent himself from losing a friend - but it was no use. His friend died in his arms. Gemini felt her heartbreak at the sight of her brother figure in so much pain. She knew how bad keeping the mental illness hidden could be and how it could take it's toll on the person's whole body. That's what it had done to Theo.

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