Prince soma X potato :3

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Once there was a prince. His name was soma. And this prince loved food, potatoes in particular. One day, his companion and bodyguard/butler, Agni, told him that maybe, for the sake of his kingdom, it would be best if he found a wife. Soma agreed, although he didn't really want to get marries at all.

Rows upon rows of princesses sat before him, and he shook his head at each one. The last princess was not a princess at all, but an elderly old lady, who handed him a potato and walked off.

Confused, soma kept the potato, setting it on his beside as he went to go to sleep. He was awakened in the night by a deep voice.

"Sooooooma, sOOOOOOOMA." . It called.

"I am your true looooove, the potaaatooooo!" Soma burst out of bed to see the potato glowing.

"B-but potato-San, what does this mean? How could we make this work?" The potato said nothing more, but somehow soma knew that he should kiss it. As his lips connected to the potato-y tenderness, it exploded, killing him instantly.

For there was a bomb inside the potato, and the old lady was a spy for another kingdom!

Soma lay, lifeless, next to the remains of his potato love.

The end ;)

( so short ik ;-; )

Crack ship one shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon