Pillow X Bed

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< this is 4 u, sebby! It took almost a year to get back I cri>

Sebastian made ciels bed, and it was just a normal day. Except, it wasn't, because as soon as he left, the pillow let out a small sigh. "I'm so fat.." The pillow murmured sadly, jumping as the blanket let out a rumble. "No, my sweet pillow, you're just fluffy~." The blanket murmured, curling around the pillow, it's warmth soaking into the sad headrest fluffball. "I love you blanket." The pillow purred, rubbing against the long expanse of fabric. The blanket creased to look like a smile. "I love you too--" it was cut off as CIEL walked into the room, sitting on the bed. As soon as his bum touched the blanket, the pillow screamed. "GET OFF MY MAN!" CIEL gasped and jumped up, running out of the room. "SEBASTIAN THE BEDSHEETS ARE HAUNTED!"

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