Sebastian X nyan cat XD

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Sebastian looked at the screen of his laptop (that was supposed to be strictly for work, but he was secretly watching cat videos, because he is Sebastian. That's what he does. XD) when he saw a video labeled "nyan cat".

"Oh my, more cat videos." Said Sebastian with a smile.

He clicked on it and before his eyes a poptart cat spouting rainbows out of its butt appeared, flying though space.

Sebastian watched, wide eyed, as he felt his heart turn in a way that it had never turned before. Could this be...

Sebastian paused the video and stared at the cat until his Bochan called him from the next room.

The next day Sebastian snuck back on the computer. "Hello, my beautiful nyan princess." Sebastian purred, looking at the computer screen.

The cat only stared back.

Day after day, Sebastian would stare at the nyan cat, and it would stare back blankly, never to return the love that Sebastian offered it.

"Speak to me! Please speak to me!" Sebastian screamed in agony, pounding at the computer screen.

At last, Sebastian could not take it anymore and ripped his own heart out, spilling blood and entrails everywhere.

He died with his love, the nyan cat.

It stated blankly at Sebastian's corpse from the screen.


(Still need to do fanart for it >.> I'm at a diner right now, I'll do it when I get home)

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