Ciel phantomhive X lady gaga

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Ciel walked into a concert hall. "Sebastian, why are we here again?" The bluenette said, frowning.

Sebastian smirked. "We are here to see miss gaga."

A sultry voice came from behind them. "That's LADY gaga~"

Ciel turned to see a women dressed in a cat-themed outfit, and she managed to have a sophisticated air around her, even with an unsophisticated outfit.

"Interesting." Thought Ciel.

"Hello Madame. I assume that you are lady gaga." He said, taking her hand and pressing it to his lips for a brief moment.

Lady gaga giggled. "Ooh, what a gentleman. It's so hard to find any strong men these days." She said to Ciel admiringly, ignoring Sebastian.

Ciel felt weird. He felt something...warm. What could this be?

"Probably just lady gagas body heat..."

Ciel thought. But he knew that it wasn't just that.

Sebastian smirked, seeing his Bochans reaction to this strange lady.

Lady gaga looked at her watch and gasped. "Oh my, I need to get backstage! I'll see you later!~"

She said to Ciel with a wink.

Ciel stood, rooted to the spot, staring after lady gaga.

Had she him?

Ciel shook his head. "Of course's just my hormones making me imagine things." He thought.

Sebastian raised his eyebrows, smirking wider. "Puberty strikes again, Bochan?"

"Shut up, Sebastian." Ciel snapped. "Let's go to our seats."

Sebastian nodded. "Yes, my lord."

They watched the concert, Ciel hanging onto every note lady gaga sang.

After the concert, Ciel walked out of the hall with Sebastian, when suddenly Ciel got a tugging in the pit of his stomach.

He had to see her again.

He had to see lady gaga.

He turned and ran to the backstage area, Sebastian following swiftly, smirking widely.

Ciel kept walking until he bumped into someone.

"Hey watch w--" Ciel realized that he had bumped right into who he was looking for. "Miss gaga. I apologize."

Ciel said hurriedly, a blush spreading across his cheeks. (( his buttcheeks or his facecheeks? We will never know >:3 ))

Lady gaga laughed lightly. "Oh, it's quite alright. I was actually looking for you."

Ciel suddenly held out a bouquet of flowers, Which he had ordered Sebastian to get during the concert.

"Here...I just wanted to give these to you for your...amazing...performance."

Lady gaga smiled widely. "Thank you!" She took the flowers, blushing lightly.

Ciel rubbed the back of his neck nervously before opening his mouth once more.

"Would you like up sometime?"

Lady gaga sighed sadly.

"I have no time, I'm sorry. A

Show lady must always do her job."

With a swish of her coat she wakes away, leaving a very shocked Ciel standing after her.



Crack ship one shots!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें