The plan

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Thanks to @Ashl0390 for this idea

Kay's POV:
Me and lefou were walking down the street and talking about stuff when inmo and kit walk up to us. "Hello" lefou says looking at them "hi we need your help" inmo says "what is it?" I ask "my ship it needs to sail!" Inmo replies "ok where is the boat?" Lefou ask "not that ship!" Kit says "what ship is it?" I ask "Bryan and jakey!" Kit and inmo says at the same time. "Ok I can help, get the rest of your guild and meet at my cafe in ten minutes" I say then run to the cafe to get it set up for a meeting, lefou puts the chairs in rows well I got snacks and fruit juice to have when we have the meeting. "We're here kay!" Kit yells out "ok everyone sit down on a chair!" I yell back "why am I here I was told that there was a important meeting" Mario says confused. "It's really important" Kit says "sorry kay but boss! is on a mission" inmo says "that's fine" I say back. "Ok everyone listen to me please we are here for a important mission" "ok what's the mission and what rank because you don't need all of us" David says "I think most of us will want to be on this mission" Kit says "ok then what is the mission?" Brandeen asks "we need to make a ship sail" lefou answers "are you serious!" Mario says annoyed
"Yes and sit down!" Kit says "fine but which ship?" Mario asks "jakey and Bryan!" Kit I say "wait aren't they already a thing?" Richie asks confused "well yes but we need shipping martial" says inmo. "Ok tell us the plan" brandeen says I tell them the plan. We all go to the back and wait, when Kit whispered something to me "hey I have another ship" Bryan and Jakey walk in to the cafe "hi kay can we get two hot chocolates please" Bryan asks "yes one minute" I go to the back. "Ok Kit go make two hot chocolates and add marshmallows to jakey's and also your hired you work here now" "ok I need the pay anyway" Kit smiles "Richie and Brandeen go order something" they go to order "Inmo go hide in a plant pot or something and lefou go take Richie's and Brandeen's order" "what about us?" David and Mario asked "ummm go pretend to be on a date?" I say. "No" they both said at the same time "see you to can agree there for it's believable" I giggle. "Let's just do it" David says annoyed. I go out to out to the cafe "that will be $5.80" Kit smiles at Bryan and Jakey as they pay. "we would like two cup blueberry cupcakes please" Richie says to Lefou "yes that will be $6" Lefou says passing them the cupcakes. Mario and David were sitting in the corner of the room 'fake' flirting between each other. I look for inmo and find I'm on the the fan?!?! Ok it's going fine, "hey kay it's busybody day it's like both guilds are here" Bryan says "yeah that so wired" I says looking around again. "We'll go find a table and enjoy your hot chocolates" I smile before go in the the desk. "Ok there finding a table" I whispered to Kit "ok now what do I do?" "Go clean some tables" I say back. Richie and Brandeen are sit on a table, lefou tapes my arm "yes?" I ask "look" he pointed to the corner Mario was blushing because David had taken of his shirt off. I started giggling Bryan and jakey were talking about something when Kit and Inmo starts fanning over there ships. This is a mess Brandeen and Richie walk over to us "sorry but we need to do paperwork" Brandeen says "ok bye" I smile inmo falls of the fan "are you ok?" I ask "yes I'm fine" he smiles still fanning over his ships. I walk over to Kit "you ok?" I ask "yes my ships!" She smile "I know!" I fangirl with her Mario was still bushing and yelling at David to put on his shirt. David finally listened and they left holding hands or more like Mario pulled David by the arm so they could leave "so cute!" Kit yells "I'm so holding this against Mario next time he wakes me up to do training in the morning!"she says excited. Jakey and Bryan looks around confused "umm Kay what's going on?" Jakey asks "the shippers are here and there ships are cannon" I say back "oh no" he looks at Bryan "Bryan run!" He grabs Bryan's hand and ran out Inmo and kit walked to me "That was a mess an amazing mess!" Kit says.

Just so you know I didn't plan on putting in another ship I just had nothing for them to do'

Ok hope you enjoy if you have any ideas for a chapter or one-shot feel free to comment it or something bye<3

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