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Thanks to @OrcaMyFiction
I'm not good at drama sorry

Jakeys pov:
Me and Bryan were fitting a rock monster thing in training it was a little tricky but we were doing all right. "Jakey go for its head!" Lefou yelled out "ok" I said back I dodged it's fists I jumped up and missed the head I hit the neck. It's head fell of and smashed. The monster crumble down, "j-jakey help" I hear Bryan say "Bryan?" I look for him and find him on the floor with some rocks on his foot "Bryan!" I run over and take the rocks off his foot. lefou ran over to us "let me see" he looked at Bryan's foot "it's not broken just sprained it'll be bruised for a week or so, so stay off it" lefou said. I help Bryan up I then see Bri walking over "lefou I told yo not to train on monsters you know how dangerous that is! The grand master isn't going to be happy if he hears about this!" I look at Bryan "do you want me to take you home" "yes please, thank you jakey" we started walking to his house. We get there he unlocked the door, "you fist" he smiles. Hi hope over to the couch I grab two glasses of water "here" I pass him a glass. "Thank you" he smiles we drink the water I take the glasses back and sit next to me. "Can you get me my diary I mean writing book off my desk and a pen" Bryan asked "ok" I giggle I go get his 'writing book' and a pen and walk back out "thank you do you want to read something? There's a lot of books in here" bryan smiles "ok I'll try to find something" I smile and walk off.

Hope you enjoy if you have a idea for a chapter/oneshot please comment I try to do all the ones I see bye<3

A old FTO fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें