Under attack

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Bryan's pov:
"Get up where under attack" I hear a certain little cat yelling. As I'm opening my eyes I see jakey and kaykrae running towards some big bug things. out of reflex I start shooting fire at the bugs, and hitting them with my sword. I hit jakey with my fire I panicked but I still have to fight these things. After we finish lefou started to tell us everything we did wrong and told us to get breakfast, we end up fishing in the lack next to out camp site. Me and jakey were further down the river out of hearing range.
"I'm sorry" I apologise "for what?" Jakey asked. "for hitting you with fire" I say back to him, "oh it's ok it didn't hurt me that much, and you don't have to apologise but thank you" he smiles with a slight blush on his cheeks. I just stare at him for a minute looking at his face, Beautiful eyes and cute smile. Oh no I'm falling hard for him, I start blushing. "Yes I got a fish look it's blue and yellow" jakey yells excitedly bring me back to reality. "Cool lets go cook it" I smile. "Do you want some" he gives me his fork with a peace on the end. I go to ate it, it taste amazing "do you like it" "yes it's so good" I replied food in mouth still. He laughs, his laugh is so cute I look at his face again. "Jakey" "yes Bryan?" "Can I-I ummm... kiss you" I ask, he smiles at me "yes" I look in his eyes and lean in and kiss him. "I like you" I say half daydreaming. "I like you to" be blush's we kiss again. "all right you can stop now we are leaving now" lefou says out of nowhere we pull back with blushing faces.

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