"What do you mean?"

"Corruption had great plans for us,"  Ignorance continued, ignoring me.  "And for Thomas too.  Deceit and I were easily convinced to help join.  However, you were hesitant." 

"Well yeah, Corruption is even more psychotic than me...and that's saying something."  I tried to explain.  But Ignorance continued to ignore me. 

"Once you confessed your feelings to me, you had also given me the perfect way to trick you."  Ignorance said with a little laugh. 

"I...I..."  I could barely form a single thought at this point.  I was in utter shock and denial. 

"Corruption liked my plan too."  Ignorance said happily.  "So I used you." 


"I used you."  Ignorance repeated.  "I never, ever loved you." 

"Why...why did you do that...?"  I felt tears gathering in my eyes. 

"Corruption needed your help.  Ya know, because of you demented behavior."  Ignorance tried to explain.  "So I agreed to go out with you, in exchange for you agreeing to work with Corruption."

"So that's why you made that deal." 

"No shit Sherlock."  Ignorance hissed.  "And you were dumb enough to fall for it."

"How dare you."  I said lowly, anger replacing the sadness. 

"Well I dared."  Ignorance laughed.  "And you were stupid enough to fall for my little act.  And you call yourself an actor."

"You...you lied to me...about everything..."  I mumbled, falling back into shock. 

"Did you really think anyone could ever love you?"  Ignorance asked with a low laugh.  "Look at yourself.  You.  Are.  A.  Freak." 

"Stop."  I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek. 

"Your biggest mistake was trusting me."  He said in disdain.  "You even let your mask down in front of me.  To be honest...I was disappointed and disgusted.  Just like everyone else."

"You...you're lying..." 

"I can tell you for a fact that I'm not Deceit."  He promised. "No ones lying if they say they hate you." 

"Stop...please."  I begged, not wanting to hear more. 

"I hate you." 

"Shut up!"  I screamed, loosing my temper. 

"I hate you.  I never loved you.  You're an idiot for ever believing me.  I just used you.  No one could ever love someone like you."  Ignorance admitted, and I believed him. 

"I hate you."  I told him.  Anger filled me.  I hate him.  How dare he do that. 

"I don't care freak."  Ignorance hissed.

"Why'd you do it?"  I asked again.  "Why couldn't you have just rejected me all those years ago?  Why waste all this time, if you didn't return my feelings?" 

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